GORP - Etosha National Park - Information on location, accommodation and wildlife. - http://gorp.away.com/gorp/location/africa/namibia/etosha.htm
Etosha National Park - A safari guide to Etosha National Park, includes information on waterholes. - http://www.zambezi.co.uk/safari/namibia/etosha.html
Etoshia National Park - Description and photos of the Etosha National Park. - http://www.melaniff.com/features/travels/etosha.htm
Etosha, Africa's Untamed Wilderness - Contains information, classroom resources and information about Etosha's wildlife. Published by Reader's Digest. - http://www.pbs.org/edens/etosha/
Etosha National Park 2001 - Photos and description of visit to Etosha in 2001. Includes photos of the camps and various wildlife. - http://www.shaunakelly.com/travel/africa2001/etosha/etosha.html