St. Mary Church, El Kharga, New Valley - History of Christianity and of St. Mary Church in Egypt's New Valley, plus additional information and links on the Coptic Church and related matters. -
St Takla Haymanout Coptic Orthodox Church - Information about the church, worship and activities, patron saint, background on the Coptic Church, location and contacts. [Alexandria] -
St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church - Information about a church in Giza, including a collection of spiritual writings, a history, and a liturgical calendar. [Arabic and English] -
St George Coptic Orthodox Church - A church in Alexandria presents background information on the Coptic church, its faith and history; also includes profiles of priests, sermons (MP3 format), literature (PDF format), and a gallery. [English and Arabic] -
Children of Mohra'yl The Martyr - Brief profile of the saint and the chapel consecrated to her in Giza. [English and Arabic] -