Contemporary African Database - People: Burkina Faso - Database of profiles of prominent people, arranged by name and category. Includes the arts, business, education, media, professions, religion, politics and sports. -
Contemporary African Database - Institutions: Burkina Faso - Database of institutions in the country, listed alphabetically and by category. Includes the arts, business, education, media, professions, religion, politics and sports. -
Yahoo! Groups - Burkina Faso - Directory of online communities connected with or interested in the country. -
Ethnologue - Languages of Burkina Faso - Information about the living languages of the African country including population, region, classification, dialects and alternate names. -
Burkina Faso On the Line - a Virtual Journey - Burkina Faso a country on the Meridian line. Part of On the Line, a project for the new millennium linking developed and developing countries. -
Burkina Faso Projekt / Gymnasium Fürstenried-West - School partnership between a German highschool and a Burkinabé highschool. Contains information on the project group, their progress and partners. -
dogon niger lobi - About 400 photos taken in Mali and Burkina Faso among the Dogon, Fulani, Bozo, Lobi, Dagari and Birifor. -
OuagaNet - Burkina Faso culture, activities, and related topics. -