Kubu Lodge - Lodge on the banks of the Chobe River on the edge of Chobe National Park. Illustrated description of the facilities and location map. - http://www.kubulodge.net
Thakadu Bush Camp - Accommodation in Botswana near Ghanzi, including game drives, bushman dancing and horse trails. - http://www.thakadubushcamp.com/
Sedia Riverside Hotel - In Maun, on the banks of the Thamalekane River. - http://www.sediahotel.com/
Motsentsela Tree Lodge - Situated on a game farm on the outskirts of Maun. - http://www.motsentselatreelodge.com/
Mombo Camp - Mombo and Little Mombo Camp in the Moremi Game Reserve in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Includes Videos, photographs, rates, special promotions, activities, and rates. - http://www.mombo.co.uk
Khutse Kalahari Lodge - Safari lodge on the outskirts of the Central Kalahari Desert in Botswana. - http://www.khutsekalaharilodge.com/
Audi Camp - Accommodation in Botswana situated at the edge of the Okavango Delta 12Km from Maun. - http://www.okavangocamp.com/
Abu Camp - Offers safaris on elephant back in the Okavango Delta. - http://www.abucamp.com/
The Garden Lodge - Close to the Victoria Falls and Chobe National Park. - http://www.thegardenlodge.com/
Tuli Safari Lodge - Camp on the Limpopo River, comprised of 8 thatched units, with dining areas and swimming pool. Includes photographs, special promotions, activities, and rates. - http://www.tulilodge.com/
Shalimpo - Privately owned game reserve situated in the Eastern part of the Tuli Block of Botswana at the confluence of the Shashe and Limpopo Rivers. - http://www.shalimpo.co.za