GMT - Provides comprehensive information on Greenwich and Time issues, including maps, GMT Converter and resources. -
United States Time Zones - Provides current local time and a quick loading time zone map of the entire United States. -
Human Clock - People in various situations holding signs of the time. Accepts photo submissions. -
What Time is It - Gives the current time, synchronized by NIST. Close to 100 different time zones supported, as well as the ability to select the default time zone. -
ClockGenius - Shows the time in your preference areas of the world. -
World Time Zone Map - Black and white map, using the standard time zone names (A - Z). Available in 3 different file types. -
What Time? - Minimalistic converter. -
American Time Zones - Displays a map of the main parts of the United States, showing the time zones and the current local time. Time details for most US cities available. -
Z-Time - Article on the time at 0 degrees longitude. Covers the timezone origin, GMT, UTC, GCT, ZULU and JIG. -
UTC - Current time UTC and current moon phase. Internal link to UTC definition and origin. -
World Map Clock - Full world overview of current local time, 2 days of week plus day and night. Print version can work as slideruler. -
World Time Zone - A world map with inserted clocks for every time zone in the world. -
TravelShop World Clock - Look up the local time in more than 200 countries. You can download and put this world clock on your homepage. -
World Buddy - Database containing weather information and current time in all areas of the world. Displays a sunlit globe image with the selected area indicated. -
Local Times around the World - Database of countries, islands and regions, containing current time and related information. -
World Time - Interactive globe image that can be centered with a click or by choosing a country. Current time for the map center will show as offset from UTC. Settings like zoom factor, color and state borders can be customized. -
Time Zones Of The World - Live analog clocks provide fast local timechecks for 30 worldwide timezones. Based on PC program CLOX 2000. -
WeatherHub World Time - Displays local times in a selection of locations around the world, or selected world regions. -
World Time Server - Look up current time from database containing any country or major city in the world. Displays the time, the GMT offset, a globe image, and a section map. Features a world time calculator and a freeware utility to synchronize your PC with an atomic clock. -
Time and Date - Current time in tables of places in the world. Can be sorted and otherwise customized. Includes meeting planner and other time-related tools. -
Timeticker - GMT offset via Flash rollover world map. Lists all countries in the world, and returns ticking accurate current time. -
Time Zone Converter - Find the current time from a list of cities. Convert time between time zones (cities), or create a printable reference card with base reference and cities of your interest. -
The Time Now - Choose a country and get the accurate (US network of cesium clocks) synchronized time. -
Official U.S. Time - Public service cooperatively provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and U. S. Naval Observatory (USNO). Clickable map of U.S.A. (Java Applet), gives the current time plus a world map showing current daylight. -
People-Park Time Zones - Choose a world region and get a list with the current time ticking for each and every country in that region. -