Sydney Heritage Fleet - Maritime museum and home of the 1874 windjammer James Craig, with an extensive library and a 25,000 item photographic collection. Features virtual tours, membership details, volunteerism, and contact details. -
Maritime Museum of Tasmania - Collection includes artifacts, tools, equipment and over 10,000 photographs and paintings representing colonial sail traders, whaleboats, warships, ketches, river steamers and modern catamarans. Includes hours, educational resources and location. -
South Australian Maritime Museum - Features collections, exhibitions, vessels, and a lighthouse. Located in Port Adelaide. -
Otago Museum: Maritime - Features comprehensive maritime section aimed at the local maritime history, including a collection of models and nautical artifacts. -
Wallaroo Heritage & Nautical Museum - Features over 1,500 exhibits of maps, charts, photographs, ship models, relics, videos and old record books. Includes hours, admission fees and photos. Located in South Australia. -
Queensland Maritime Museum - Located in Brisbane, the QMM is home to the S.S. Forceful and H.M.A.S. Diamantina. Online information special events and maritime history. -
New Zealand National Maritime Museum - Exhibition galleries include 14 themed galleries, a temporary exhibition gallery, and an art gallery specializing in maritime art. Located in Auckland. -
Geelong Naval and Maritime Museum - Displays of relics from shipwrecks, model ships, books, navigational instruments and other equipment. -
Australian National Maritime Museum - Features historic vessels and migrant ships. Also offers research facility for genealogy, maritime research, arts and culture. -