North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum - Features over 3,000 objects and materials with emphasis on the commercial fishing industry and early lifestyles of the shore and waters of Lake Superior. Includes events and programs, hours, admission, membership, store and directions. Located in Tofte, -
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum - Presents exhibits, activities, and wooden boat festival. Located in Madisonville, Louisiana. -
Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum - General information, tours, events, artifacts, gallery, oral histories, and library. Located in North Little Rock. -
Mississippi River Museum - The preservation and promotion of the natural and cultural history of the Lower Mississippi River Valley through education, interpretation and exhibits. Located in Memphis, Tennessee. -
Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum - Founded in 1966, exhibits ship models, paintings and maritime antiques. Includes collection details and visitor information. Located in Savannah, Georgia. -
Delaware Bay Museum - Features exhibits of the oyster industry, shipbuilding, and the reconstruction of the schooner, A. J. Meerwald. Located in Bivalve, New Jersey. -
The Museum of Yachting - Dedicated to the preservation of the traditional skills, documents, vessels and artifacts which record and describe the history and development of yachting around the world. Located in Newport, Rhode Island. -
Lake Champlain Maritime Museum - A non-profit organization for preserving and sharing the history of Lake Champlain, Vermont, USA. -