Scottish Maritime Museum - Features exhibits and collections from maritime and shipbuilding history from the 18th century onwards. -
Norfolk Nelson Museum - General and visitor information. -
Maritime Museum - Contains general and visitor information, boat gallery, the human story, and tour. Located in St.Helier. -
The Dock Museum - A modern museum built over an original Victorian Graving Dock, were one can explore the fascinating history of Barrow-in-Furness. -
Whitstable Museum and Art Gallery - Maritime museum and art gallery reflecting the traditions of a harbour town in Kent. Featuring exhibits on wildlife, diving and shipping. -
Motorboat Museum - Features record breakers and rare examples of boats, inboard and outboard motors, an extensive collection of historic replica models and memorabilia. Located in Basildon, UK. -
Windermere Steamboat Museum - Features a historic collection of steam and motor boats. Located in Cumbria, England. -
The Cornish Maritime Trust - The preservation and restoration to sailing condition of historic Cornish working sail boats. Demonstration of the boats and their rigs. Located in Porthleven. -
The Boat Museum - Floating collection of traditional canal craft at Ellesmere Port. Includes narrowboats, barges, and icebreakers. -
Hartlepool's Maritime Experience - Re-creation of an 18th century seaport featuring the HMS Trincomalee, an historic quayside, fighting ships, the Museum of Hartlepool and the PSS Wingfield Castle. Includes activities, hours, and admission fees. Located in Hartlepool, UK. -
National Maritime Museum - Cornwall - Features diverse collection of approximately 140 small craft from Great Britain and overseas, and spans the past 150 years. Includes virtual tour, hours, admission fees, FAQs, member and volunteer opportunities, and directions. -
National Maritime Museum - Covering every aspect of seafaring, in peace and at war. Online resources include forthcoming events and exhibitions, galleries of sea-related material, and an extensive center for research. Located in London. [English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, -
True's Yard Fishing Museum - Features traditional fishing quarter in King's Lynn, Norfolk. Includes educational services, history and directions. -
Mersyside Maritime Museum - Collection features ship models, paintings, wooden boats and archives. Includes current exhibitions, hours and directions. Free admission. Located in Liverpool. -