Maritime Museum - Hosts a collection of old ship models as well as Sweden's largest UW archaeology library, photo archive, and the national wreck register. Includes hours, entrance charges and directions. Located in Stockholm. [Swedish and English] -
Sweden's Seamen's Shipping Office Museum - General information, library, activities, archive, tour, and ship-of-the-month. Located in Uddevalla, Sweden. -
The Maritime Museum at Brantevik - Collections of paintings and models of ships, navigation instruments, tools, and photos of people, ships and vessels. Located in Sweden. -
Kalmar County Museum - Exhibiting finds from the ongoing excavation of the battleship Kronan, sunk in 1676. Includes details of exhibitions, hours and admission charge. [Swedish, German and English] -
The Naval Museum - Features large collection of figureheads and its own 18th century underwater wreck fully visible below the building. Includes hours and admission charge. Located in Karlskrona. [Swedish, German and English] -