Steam Tug Kerne - Site of the North Western Steam Ship Company, who own and preserve the 1913 Mersey Lighterage Tug, currently berthed in the Merseyside Maritime Museum in Liverpool with news and an archive gallery. -
Scow Schooner Alma - 1891 scow schooner. Includes the history of the Alma and scow schooners in San Francisco. -
Le Bon Temps Roule - Restored 1930 Wooden Commuter Yacht used by the Corps of Engineers during WWII. Located in Madisonville, Louisiana. -
Baltimore and Chesapeake Steamboat Company - The mission is to maintain the steam tug Baltimore and operate it as an educational museum highlighting the tug's unique place in American history. -
Eppleton Hall - Includes history of the 1914 steam-powered paddlewheel tugboat. -
Steam Ferryboat Eureka - 1890 steam paddlewheel ferry boat Eureka. Information on history, restoration, and facilities. -
Steam Tugboat Hercules - Presents the 1907 tugboat, including history, information on restoration and volunteering. -
S/S Orion - Nonprofit organization is dedicated to restoration of Sweden's last remaining pilot and salvage steamboat, built in 1929. Includes the ship's history, specifications, photos, membership details, and location in Stockholm. [Swedish and English] -