Lithuanian Aviation Museum - Collection contains more than 14,000 exhibits, including aircraft and glides, and a library. Includes a history of the country's aviation, photos, and contact information. Located in Kaunas, Lithuania. -
Norwegian Aviation Museum - The Museum is the national aviation museum of Norway, and the site presents excellent information and photos about the museum's collection and the history of Norwegian aviation. Located in Bodo, Norway. -
Flugwerft Schleißheim - Site is part of the Deutsches Museum site and gives a basic description of the air museum and its collection. Located at Oberschleißheim, Germany (about 13 km from Munich). -
Polish Aviation Museum - Presents a short history of the museum and a gallery of some of the museum's aircraft, many of which are quite rare. Located in Krakow, Poland. -
Swiss Museum of Transport and Communication - A complex site promoting a many faceted museum that has about 30 aircraft, but the site gives few details on the aircraft. Located in Lucerne, Switzerland. -
Portuguese Air Museum - An excellent site presenting the history of Portuguese aviation, as well as background information and photos of the aircraft in the museum's extensive collection. Located in Alverca, Portugal (15 km north of Lisbon). -
Malta Aviation Museum - Collection consists of aircraft, engines, models and memorabilia. Includes membership and contact information. -
AirMuseum - Features the beginning of aviation to present era with displays of rare engines and aircraft. Includes photo gallery and quiz. Located in Kosice, Slovakia. [English an Slovakian] -
Svedino's Automobile and Aviation Museum - Describes the museum and has photographs illustrating a collection of vintage cars and aircraft, comprises around 140 cars, 30 aircraft, motorcycles, and engines. Located south of Falkenberg in Ugglarp, Sweden. -
Prague Aviation Museum (Letenske Muzeum) - An unofficial site listing the aircraft collection with photos. Located in Prague, Czechoslovakia. -
Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen - The site describes the museum well, but does not present much on-site airship information. Located on Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen, Germany. -