Personal Computer Museum - Contains over 40 interactive computer displays and over 250 machines. Features a listing, gallery, resources, and hours. Located in Brantford, Ontario. -
Computer Museum .it - Based on a personal collection of computers, with an archive of 1000 tech tables, old computer advertisements and history pages. -
Bletchley Park: National Code Centre - Hands on exhibition of computing technology from Colossus to the present day on the site where the first computers were used to break the enigma code, Bletchley Park. -
Houston Computer Museum - Will be open to the public six days a week starting sometime in the next 18 months. Includes contact information. -
The Atari History Museum - Collection of all things Atari. Includes video clips of advertisements, technical documents, prototypes, and general machine information. -
University of Virginia's Computer Museum - Contains various computer-related artifacts, both historical and modern, with photographs and descriptions. -
The First Computer Museum of Nova Scotia, Canada - A walk-in computer museum in eastern Canada includes a collection of vintage microcomputers, video games and robots. -
American Computer Museum - Computer history and information age exhibits. Photographs of some of the current collections, including personal computers, calculators, the first minicomputer (which weighed 250 lbs), and the influence of the information age on the expansion of the West -
The Machine Room - Information on numerous old computers. Includes pictures, descriptions, technical details, trivia, links, and information for collectors. -
American University Computing History Museum - Devoted to promoting an awareness of the history of computing and providing support to teachers. -
DigiBarn Computer Museum - Traces the history of the evolution of personal computing and the graphical user interface. -
The Home Computer Museum (HCM) - Extensive personal collection of most European and International Home Computers complete with excellent photography. -
The Secret Weapons of Commodore - Prototype and rarities of the CBM / Commodore lines of machines. Informative chronological site on all things Commodore. -
The As-Yet-Unnamed PC Museum - Collection of Personal Computers, including several rarities and prototypes. Specialising in Atari, Apple, Commodore and Microbee. -
The Computer Museum of America - San Diego museum whose mission is to preserve the major milestones in the development of the computer industry and to chronicle these milestones for the enrichment and education of all. -
Computer History Museum - Focuses exclusively on the history of computing. Includes hours and directions. Located in Mountain View, California. -
Silicium - A French organization which collects old computers, repairs them and then regularly organizes exhibitions. -