Museum of the History of Cypriot Coinage - Displays the history of Cyprus from the time coins were first minted, 2600 years ago, to the present day. Primary research material into the islands numismatics. -
Cesnola Collection from Ancient Cyprus - Museum's collection comprises over 1300 ceramic vessels, lamps, figurines, stone, glass, and metal objects from Cyprus, dating from ca. 2300 BCE to 700 CE. This exhibit features selected pieces from the collection, along with other Cypriot artifacts from -
Limassol District Archaeological Museum - Information about the museum and photos of select exhibits. The collection follows the development of civilization in the island from theĀ 9th millennium B.C.E. to the end of antiquity (Late Roman period). -
Pierides Foundation Museum - Digmaster figurine database of objects in the Pierides Museum. Includes history of the museum located at Larnaca. -