Museum of the Western Prairie - Includes hours, location, articles, photos, description of displays and reference materials. Located in Altus. -
Washington Irving Trail Museum - Features outlaw and lawman history, cowboy music, Civil War battles and other events in the state's history. Includes hours and directions. Located southeast of Stillwater. -
The Tillman County Historical Museum - Displays of household items, horse drawn fire equipment, horse drawn farming implements, wagons, and a 1916 Case tractor in Frederick. -
Three Valley Museum - Features an early day law office, a doctor's office, a child's room, a parlor, and a general store in Durant. -
Museum of Pioneer History - Displays and exhibits that reflect the history of the area in Chandler. -
J. M. Davis Arms and Historical Museum - Galleries includes firearms, knives, steins, musical instruments and boxes, statuaries, World War I posters, and an outlaw exhibit in Claremore. -
Drumright Community Historical Museum - Features items from the oil boom housed in a 1916 Santa Fe Railroad depot near Tulsa. Includes hours and a location map. -
Three Rivers Museum - Dedicated to preserving the multi-ethnic history and heritage of the American frontier. Includes hours, admission, events, membership and directions. Located in Muskogee. -