New Albany Plain Township Historical Society - Established to collect and preserve artifacts and documents of the area. Features tour of restored 1881 farmhouse, with kitchen, dining room, parlor and one bedroom furnished mainly with local pieces of furniture. Three other rooms are arranged for stor -
Shaker Historical Society and Museum - Established in 1956 to house the Shaker Historical Society's collection of furniture and artifacts. Contains hours, admission fees, rates, and location in Shaker Heights, Ohio. -
Campus Martius - The history of the early settlements through pioneer artifacts to the present with items of household furnishings, toys, tools, and fire prevention equipment in Marietta. -
Fredericktown Area Historical Museum - Exhibits and displays that depict the city and the area's history. -
Western Reserve Historical Society History Museum - Features special exhibitions, historic costumes, and tours of the Hay-McKinney mansion. Includes details of the collections, hours and admission fees, FAQs and directions. Located in Cleveland. -
Anti-Saloon League Museum - Exhibiting some materials and artifacts covering the years from 1870-1934. Remainder of collection reproduced on 575 rolls of microfilm. Includes hours. Located in Westerville Public Library. -