Andrew County Museum - Items included are a Gattling gun from the Battleship Maine, antique dolls, vintage cars, an 1844 log cabin, horse/mule drawn farm implements, and a genealogy department in Savannah. -
New Madrid Historical Museum - The history of the rivertown that includes artifacts and displays of letters, clothing, equipment, weaponry, furniture, tools, and utensils. -
The Stars and Stripes - Dedicated to the preservation of the history of the first printing of the veterans newspaper in Bloomfield. -
Springfield-Greene County Historical Museum - Offers exhibits from the prehistoric era to the 20th century. Includes details of the collection, photos, hours, and location in Springfield, Missouri. -
Missouri Historical Society Museum - Preserves St. Louis and Missouri history through exhibitions, programs, research, publications, archives and permanent collections. -
Weston Historical Museum - Displays depicting life in Platte County from prehistoric days through World War II, including household items, tools, glassware and china, furniture, historic documents and everyday items of the past. -
Dexter Chamber of Commerce - The Heritage Museum - Displays of photos, journals, clothing and artifacts of the people, organizations, churches and businesses of the past. -
Sainte Genevieve Museum - Items of interest relating to the town’s history such as artifacts from the salt works at Saline Spring, the town’s first industry, and includes weapons, prehistoric and historical Native American relics, old documents, and memorabilia of the mid-nine -
Ralph Foster Museum - Exhibit items relating to the Ozarks region as well as antiques, weapons, and dolls at the College of the Ozarks Campus on Point Lookout. -
Powers Museum - Focuses on Carthage's history with annual exhibits of a selected theme from the post Civil War period to the 20th century. -
Malden Historical Museum - Displays that reflect the history of the city, and includes a collection of Egyptian antiquities. -
Chariton County Historical Society Museum - Consists of artifacts and a replica of early 1900's mainstreet complete with general store, blacksmith shop, printing shop, barber shop and bank in Salisbury. -