Hennepin History Museum - History of the area that includes exhibits focusing on everything from toys to technology in Minneapolis. - http://hennepinhistory.org/
Beltrami County Historical Society - The mission of the Beltrami County Historical Society is to collect, preserve and disseminate knowledge about Beltrami County history. Be a part of this exciting experience by becoming a member of the BCHS. - http://www.beltramihistory.org
Renville County Museum - Archives and exhibits reflecting the history of the area in Morton. - http://www.rootsweb.com/~mnrenvil/mus-rchs.htm
Pipestone County Museum - The local history of the city and area. - http://www.pipestoneminnesota.com/museum/
Cokato Museum and Gust Akerlund Studio - Focuses on the history of the city and the surrounding townships in southwestern Wright County. - http://www.cokato.mn.us/cmhs/
Afton Historical Society Museum - Collections of materials depicting the history of the city and surrounding area. - http://www.pressenter.com/~aftnhist/
Le Sueur County Historical Society Museum - Housed in the original Elysian Public School and features county history, an art collection, the Swain Silhouettes, science exhibits and restored 1869 log cabin. Includes visitor information, special services and directions. Located in Elysian. - http://www.frontiernet.net/~lchsmuseum/museum/
Beltrami County History Center - Collection housed in restored James J. Hill railroad depot features hundreds of artifacts in its collection. Included are more than 100,000 photos, 2,000 historic maps, manuscripts, settlement artifacts and the John G. Morrison, Jr. American Indian Colle - http://www.paulbunyan.net/users/depot/