The Flat River Historical Museum - Brief description and photo gallery of exhibits. Located in Greenville, Michigan. -
Marysville Historical Museum - Visitor information, exhibit guide, calendar, and children's activities related to the history of the city. -
Frankenmuth Historical Museum - Features hands-on displays, video and audio, and artifacts to tell the story of travels of the original fifteen settlers from Germany to the Saginaw Valley in 1845. Includes photos, hours, admission, special exhibits, educational programs and directions. -
Algonac-Clay Historical Society - Highlights Algonac's boat building heritage featuring Chris-Craft, Gar Wood and the many other local boat builders. Includes artifacts featuring local history, business, industry, schools, churches and the military. -
North Berrien Historical Society Museum - The history of the resorts of the Paw Paw Lakes, fruit farming businesses, industries, and people of the area. -
Montrose Historical and Telephone Pioneer Museum - Operating displays of authentic equipment that includes a large collection of antique wall telephones and early style, candlestick desk phones in Montrose. -
Monroe County Historical Museum - One of the largest collections of 18th and 19th century artifacts relating to Southeast Michigan in Monroe. -
Museum of Surveying - Collection of survey artifacts, early instruments, and historical literature in Lansing. -
Marquette County History Museum - Exhibits, artifacts and a research library tracing the history of tracing the history of the city and surrounding area. -
Lowell Area Historical Museum - Artifacts, programs and exhibits depicts the history of the city and local area. -
Grand Blanc Heritage Museum - The history of the community and surrounding area through displays, activities, and events. -
Dexter Area Historical Museum - Local history containing a large display area, a genealogical library, a local history library, and the Corner Gift Shop. -
The Historical Society of Saginaw County and the Castle Museum - Dedicated to serve the community by telling the continuing story of the people of the Saginaw area through exploration, preservation and presentation of their heritage. Includes collection details, programs and events, membership and volunteer information -
Houghton County Historical Museum - Preserves, presents, and interprets the history and culture of the Copper Country in the Upper Peninsula. Includes details of exhibits, photos, hours and open dates, fees, membership rates, calendar of events, and maps. Located in Lake Linden. -
Gitche Gumee Agate and History Museum - Features the logging and fishing history of the area, mineralogical displays, community life . Includes details of exhibits, gift shop, hours and directions. Located in Grand Marais. -
The Henry Ford - America's largest indoor/outdoor complex presents exhibits reflecting the change and innovation in American life. Includes calendar of events, hours, admission and directions. Located in Dearborn. -