Barton County Historical Society Museum and Village - An 1873 native stone house, an 1898 church, a 1910 railroad depot, a 1915 school house, and a small post office, including historical information, upcoming events and visitor information located at Great Bend. -
National Orphan Train Complex - General information, history, stories, programs and events, news, educational material, and visitor guide located at Concordia. -
Trego County Museum - A history of the area through a vast collection of pioneer possessions. -
The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum - Displays of early 1900 furnishings, a chapel, dining room, parlor, kitchen, and a sewing room, and includes displays of Indian artifacts, farming tools, a printing and western shop, and art room in Hugoton. -
Souders Historical Museum - Life in the late 1880s and early 1900s that contains a variety of artifacts, historical photos, and educational materials in Cheney. -
Johnson County Museum of History - The community's history through permanent and changing galleries, a research library, an education center, and a museum store. -
Independence Historical Museum - Exhibits in 22 rooms tell stories of the early settler lifestyle, the history of the oil industry, an Indian culture collection, and various historical artifacts. -
Museum of Crawford County - Clothing, artifacts, local photographs, exhibits and furniture displays, and displays of agricultural equipment. -
Coffey County Historical Society and Museum - Features one of the largest antique doll collections in the state, a restored one-room schoolhouse, Conestoga wagon and country church in Burlington. -
Cherokee Strip Land Rush Museum - Local history through prehistoric relics and approximately 45,000 artifacts, pictures and documents in Arkansas City. -
Central States Scout Museum - Memorabilia, attractively displayed in showcases with the core of the collection the personal property of a former scouter named Charles Sherman, chief curator of the museum in Larned. -
Kansas Oil Museum - Indoor exhibits on farming, ranching and oil, a hands-on children's area, and Texaco Theater and Gallery in El Dorado. -
Mueller-Schmidt House Museum - Built by pioneer bootmaker John Mueller in 1881 and features original furniture and artifacts. Panorama Quick Time and virtual tour. Located in Dodge City. -
Geary County Historical Society and Museum - Displays local history. Includes photos of exhibits, hours, services, links and directions. Located in Junction City. -
Kansas Museum of History - Exhibits artworks and artifacts depicting Western and state history, from prehistoric to present times. Includes hours, admission rates, events, tours and directions. Located in Topeka. -
Ag Heritage Park - Historical museum featuring collection of antique farm equipment, a school house and memorabilia. Includes photo gallery, hours and directions. -