The Old Jail Museum - Features local artifacts, period furniture, exhibits, and archives. Owned and operated by the Historical Society of Porter County in Valparaiso. -
Wayne County Historical Museum - Offers artifacts of pioneer life and treasures from around the world such as an Egyptian mummy, automobiles manufactured in Richmond, and a re-created pioneer village are some of the highlights. -
Miami County Museum - Presents pioneer living, circus history, Cole Porter's Cadillac, and Native American history. -
Lake County Historical Museum - A variety of memorabilia representing the origination of the county and its developing years that includes farm implements, clothing, and musical devices. -
Hayden Historical Museum - Exhibits include a pre-1900 bedroom, 1939 kitchen, 1965 living room, mid 1950’s school classroom, gallery of agriculture leaders, former Indiana Governor Ed Whitcomb display, and a military exhibit. -
Elkhart County Historical Museum and Rush Memorial Center - Over 20,000 artifacts are on display arranged by time period and theme in Bristol, Indiana. -
Old Jail Museum - Built in 1882 and places in the National Register of Historic Places, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Includes a brief description, hours, and location. -