Gem County Historical Society and Museum - Early life in Emmett and the surrounding area beginning with the Native Americans who first inhabited the land, and the contributions of the trappers, miners, and settlers who made the irrigation system and the fruit industry possible. -
Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Museum - Collection of old photographs dating back to from 1895, and artifacts from the site of the old Fort Hall. -
Museum of North Idaho - Archive and library with over 20,000 photographs of the Coeur d'Alene region in Kootenai, Benewah, and parts of Shoshone counties, including artifacts relating to local historical development. -
Clearwater Historical Museum - Information and artifacts of Nez Perce Indians, Lewis and Clark Corp of Discovery, gold mining, Chinese immigrants, loggers, homesteaders, farmers and ranchers in Orofino. -
Idaho Historical Museum - Tells the story of the state from prehistoric times through the fur trade, the gold rush, and pioneer settlement to the present. Includes hours, admission fees, programs, volunteer opportunities and directions. Located in Boise. -
The Historical Museum at St. Gertrude - Houses collections comprising over 70,000 artifacts, with 12,000 on display. Includes details and photos of exhibits, hours, admission rates, events, membership details and directions. Located in Cottonwood. -