Georgia Salzburger Society Museum - Perpetuating the memory of the early Salzburger and German settlers of Ebenezer. Displays of history, relics, art reproductions, family memorabilia and archaeology. Includes hours and contact information. Located in Rincon. -
Washington Historical Museum - A collection featuring Civil War relics, Indian artifacts, and a recreation of 19th century home life. -
Savannah History Museum - Exhibits which reflect the city's history from the founding in 1733 to the present. -
Rome Area History Museum - A walk through time starting with the Native Americans and early settlers through the Civil War, and then the development of Rome’s culture, life-ways, and industries through original documents. -
The Museum of Coastal History - Contains exhibits on the history of the St. Simons Lighthouse and the way of life of the keeper and his family as well as publications and unique lighthouse related items. -
Lowndes County Historical Society and Museum - Offers tours including a slide show that shows details of Valdosta and the area's history and development. -
Elberton Granite Museum and Exhibit - Features historical exhibits, artifacts, educational displays, and materials depicting current and past events in the rich heritage of the industry. -