Strathalbyn National Trust Museum - The former police station (built 1858) and courthouse (added in 1867), an extensive collection of farm machinery from the past, an example of a furphy, a blacksmith's shop, horse drawn vehicles and exhibits centering on the history of the local Emergency -
Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums - ALHFAM is the museum organization for those involved in living history programming, living historical farms, agricultural museums, and outdoor museums of history and folklife. -
Museum Meiji-Mura - Open air museum for preserving and exhibiting Japanese architecture of the Meiji period, 1868-1912. -
Shantytown - A replica of a South Island West Coast gold mining town set in the 1860s with images and information on attractions, activities, and train rides located at New Zealand. -
Leonora-Gwalia Historical Museum - A not-for-profit organization which has preserved a ghost town in outback Western Australia. Mining museum, township, Hoover House, commissioned by Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, and photographs. -
The Pharaonic Village - History of the living museum of ancient Egypt, information about tours, and description of the exhibits. Located in Cairo, Egypt. -
Korean Folk Village - Traditional Korean village exhibiting cultural and historic artifacts and buildings, including a marketplace. -
Warkworth and District Museum - A local district museum specialising in displaying and preserving information, artifacts for and about the people located at New Zealand. -