Meadow Brook Hall & Gardens - Built between 1926 and 1929, the home is the fourth largest historic house museum in the United States and renowned for its craftsmanship, architectural detailing and grand scale. Includes history and events. Located in Rochester. -
The Mann House - Concord. State park that features a Victorian home, and demonstrates life in the late 19th and early 20th century. -,1607,7-160-17447_18595_18606---,00.html
Whaley Historical House Museum - The 21 room Victorian mansion was the home of Flint pioneers and philanthropists Robert J. Whaley and his wife Mary McFarlan Whaley, and contains information on schedules and tours located at Flint. -
Henry Ford Estate - Construction of the 56 room Fair Lane began in February 1914 and was completed by January 1916, and includes information on the home, the family, programs, events and educational resources with a gift shop located at Dearborn. -
Alden B. Dow Home and Studio - National Historic Landmark located in Midland. Features the architectural history papers and drawings available for research, tour times, and contact information. -