Governor Ross Mansion and Plantation - A brick Italian Villa style structure featuring a three-story center entry built in 1859, and contains general information and images located at Seaford. -
The Dutch House - An early colonial late 17th century home with a photo gallery. Located in New Castle. -
John Dickinson Plantation - Photo, historical overview and information on programs and events. Located on Jones Neck. -
Rockwood - Joseph Shipley, a Quaker merchant banker, built the home between 1851 and 1854, and includes gallery, special events, activity center, tours, and visitor information. -
The Amstel House - Built in the 1730s by the town’s wealthiest landowner, Doctor John Finney, including historical information located at New Castle. -
Read House and Gardens - A 22 room mansion built in 1801 by the son of one of the state's signers of the Declaration of Independence. Includes hours, admission, calendar of events, current exhibits, school programs and directions. Located in New Castle. -