The Garda Síochána Museum and Archives - Museum of the Republic of Ireland's national police force, outlining the history of policing. Includes archives containing police related publications, records, and the DMP registry. Located in Dublin. -
Sudbury Region Police Museum - The displays include the history, Wall of Memories, weapons, forensics, transportation, and body armor. -
The New York City Police Museum - The history of the department through extensive collections of materials relating to its 160-year history. -
The Phoenix Police Museum - The history of the department through collections and exhibits. -
Vancouver Police Centennial Museum - The museum, owned by the Vancouver Police Historical Society, presents the history of Vancouver Police through exhibits and programs. -
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Centennial Museum - The regimental museum of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, located in Regina, Saskatchewan. In English and en francais. -
National Museum of Horse Shoeing Tools and Hall of Honor. - Features tools of the blacksmith and farrier, several panels of displays of horseshoes, and library collection. Includes photo tour and contact information. Located near Sulphur, Oklahoma. -
Penrith Museum of Printing - Non-profit organization devoted to the restoration and display of working printing machinery and equipment. Includes list of machines, photos, hours, membership details, links and directions. Located in Australia. -
Arbejdermuseet: The Workers Museum - Shows the everyday life of Danish workers from 1870 to 1999. In Danish and in English. Located in Copenhagen. -
A. Philip Randolph/Pullman Porter Museum - Celebrating A. Philip Randolph and the African American railroad attendant. Located in Chicago, Illinois. -