Quilts and Quiltmaking In America 1978-1996 - Library of Congress American Memory Project exploring America's diverse quilting traditions. - http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/qlthtml/
The Kentucky Museum Quilt Collection - Features examples, most of which were made between 1850 and 1900, artifacts and an archaeological collection. Includes hours, admission fees and directions to the location of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. United States. - http://www.wku.edu/library/museum/collection/quilts.htm
Quilts, Counterpanes and Throws - This virtual exhibition from the National Museum of American History features pictures of several types of quilts from their collection. - http://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/quilts/
Old Nova Scotian Quilts - Quilt collection. - http://www.civilization.ca/arts/quilts/q0eng.html
Virginia Quilt Museum - Hours, exhibitions, events, mission statement. - http://www.folkart.com/museums/m_vqm.htm
La Conner Quilt Museum - Located in the Gaches Mansion in northwest Washington. Presents a history of the home, hours of operation, admission fees, details of past, current, and upcoming shows, special events, memberships, and directions. - http://laconnerquilts.com
RMSC Quilt Project - Illustrates and describes selected quilts from the RMSC's collection of over 300 historic quilts from Western New York, as they are cleaned, rehoused, documented, and photographed. - http://collections.rmsc.org/Quilts/
Signatures in Fabric III - A travelling exhibit from the Art Quilt Network, the page includes photos and a tour schedule. - http://www.artquiltnetwork.com/signatures.htm
The People's Place Quilt Museum - Noted quilt museum, specializing in exhibits of antique (pre-1940s) pieces. Amish and Mennonite quilts. Highly acclaimed museum. Located in Intercourse, PA (Lancaster County), in the heart of Amish Country. - http://www.ppquiltmuseum.com
Museum of the American Quilter's Society - Provides information about exhibits and programs sponsored by Paducah, Kentucky quilt museum. - http://www.quiltmuseum.org
New England Quilt Museum - Located in Massachusetts, featuring information about exhibitions and classes. - http://www.nequiltmuseum.org/
Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum - Located in Golden, Colorado the museum features new exhibits every two months. - http://www.rmqm.org/