Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum - Serves all sectors of the public and has programs concerning art research, conservation, exhibitions, workshops and education. Includes collection and exhibition details and a visitor's guide. Located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. -
Gold of Africa Museum - Focusing on West and South African gold artefacts. News and information on exhibits, tours, education, goldsmiths' studio and museum shop. Located in Cape Town. -
Museums in Cameroon - Contains the museums of Bandjoun and Baham (West Cameroon) and the Babungo and Mankon (North-West Cameroon). -
National Museum of African Art - Features African art from antiquity to the present. Includes arts and programs, research, collections, calendar, Radio Africa, and Playtime! for kids. Washington, D.C. USA. -
Irma Stern Museum - Permanent collection on display shows the artistic development of Irma Stern (1894-1966) whose subject matter included exotic figures, portraits, lush landscapes and still lifes. Located in Cape Town South Africa. -
Royal Museum for Central Africa - World famous collections of geology, zoology, cultural anthropology, and history of Central Africa. Brussels, Belgium. -
National Museums of Kenya - The art and culture of central Africa. Exhibitions include contemporary art, peoples of Kenya, and headdresses of Kenya. -