Tyndale House Library
- An international centre for biblical research, based in Cambridge, England. One of the world's largest biblical studies libraries. Full catalogue and other resources online.
- http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/
Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library - Exhibits, publications, digitized collections and news articles, and access to online catalogs for research in Hebraica and Judaica. - http://www.jtsa.edu/Library.xml
Graduate Theological Union Flora Lamson Hewlett Library - Resource guides in a variety of topics, covering general topics, religious traditions, and current areas of research; also, access to the library catalog and information about the library. - http://www.gtu.edu/library-1/
Concordia Seminary Library - Internet resources for research into Lutheran theology, including links arranged by topic, the availability of email reference help, and multiple means of access to the online catalog. Also includes images of the Calov Bible, which once belonged to J.S. - http://www.csl.edu/Resources_Library.aspx
Claremont School of Theology Library - Guide to the library resources, research opportunities, and hours of operation. - http://www.cst.edu/library/index.php
University of Dayton Marian Library - Recognized as the world's largest and most comprehensive collection of printed materials on Mary. - http://campus.udayton.edu/mary//library.html
Virginia Theological Seminary Bishop Payne Library - Bishop Payne Library collection specializes in the areas of biblical studies, church history, theology, the Protestant Reformation, missions, and liturgics. It is a major resource for the study of Anglicanism. - http://www.vts.edu/library/
John Bulow Campbell Library, Columbia Theological Seminary - Particularly strong in biblical studies; contemporary theology, especially in the Reformed tradition; American Presbyterianism; and practical theology. - http://www.ctsnet.edu/library/libintro.asp
Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Foundation - The Foundation has as its aim the documentation and preservation of the Islamic written heritage. It is pursuing this aim principally through its work in surveying, cataloguing, editing and publishing Islamic manuscripts. - http://www.al-furqan.com/
Asbury Seminary B. L. Fisher Library - Includes electronic resources, databases, and access to the online catalog; other resources include guides to the print literature and general library information. - http://www.asburyseminary.edu/icommons/
Phillips Theological Seminary Library - In Tulsa, OK. Gives information on the library together with a guide and catalogue. - http://www.ptstulsa.edu/library.asp
Library of Jewish Museum in Prague - The current JMP library contains as many as 100,000 volumes, including Hebrew books stemming mainly from the territory of Bohemia and Moravia, as well as other areas of Europe. - http://www.jewishmuseum.cz/en/alibrary.htm
Archbishop Vehr Theological Library - Theology and philosophy collection that supports the private Catholic seminaries, St. John Vianney Theological Seminary and Redemptoris Mater Seminary, in Denver, CO. - http://www.archden.org/library/
TCGC Libraries Information - Library and consortium information for the Theological Consortium of Greater Columbus (TCGC) libraries. TCGC is composed of three seminary libraries in Central Ohio. - http://www.tcgcohio.org/
Philip Schaff Library, Lancaster Theological Seminary - Over 96,000 titles, primarily in New Testament, Reformation History, Reformed Church History, Mercersburg Theology and Liturgics. - http://library.lts.org/library/library.html
Booher Library - Located at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the South West. Includes online catalogue. - http://www.etss.edu/library.shtml
Hal Bernard Dixon Jr. Pentecostal Research Center - Library of materials concerning the pentecostal, charismatic, and holiness movements as well as the archives of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee). Website includes topical articles as well as information about holdings. - http://faculty.leeu.edu/~drc/
University of Toronto Victoria University Emmanuel College Library - Collection strengths include Hymnology, Wesleyana and publications of the World Council of Churches. With library information, access to limited databases, and an extensive list of Internet resources arranged by topic. - http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/emmanuel/index.htm
Howard University Divinity Library - Print and electronic resources in biblical studies, reformed theology, church history, ethics, world religions, pastoral counseling, and urban ministries, as well as indexes of links to associations, denominations, and other libraries. - http://www.howard.edu/library/divinity_library/
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Libraries - Links to library sites for the three campuses, the online catalog, both a periodicals database and list, and additional resources in theology and ministry. - http://www.gordonconwell.edu/library/
Price Memorial Library - Located in Bethel Seminary, San Diego. Includes online catalogue. - http://www.bethel.edu/seminary_academics/semlibrary/home.htm
St. Tikhon's Seminary Library - Approximately 35,000 volumes and 200 current periodicals concentrating on Orthodox Eastern Christianity, with emphasis on the fields of Church History, Patristics and Hagiography. Also 12,000 monograph and periodicals with strong representation of East E - http://www.stots.edu/library.htm
Edmund Cardinal Szoka Library - Graduate and undergraduate library of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. - http://www.aodonline.org/SHMS/Library+5937/Library.htm
Koba Tirth - Jain library having manuscripts and books on Indology and specially on Jainlogy. - http://kobatirth.org
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library - Founded to preserve medieval manuscripts from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in microfilm form. Offers research materials for all aspects of medieval and Renaissance life. - http://www.hmml.org/
James P Boyce Centennial Library, Southern Baptist Seminary - Huge collection of 872,000 items. Premier collections include Baptist associational minutes, Baptist newspapers and other primary materials related to Baptist work in the South. - http://library.sbts.edu/
Kellar Library - Part of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary, Jacksonville, Texas. - http://bmats.edu/library.htm
Washington Theological Union Library - Information about the library and access to the online catalog. - http://www.wtu.edu/resources/library.htm
Stevick Theological Library - A large collection of theological books and resources, owned by the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. - http://kapps1.cis.temple.edu/~kapps/stevick/
Union Theological Seminary Burke Library - Information about the library and access to Sophia, the joint catalog of Burke Library and St. Mark's Library. - http://www.uts.columbia.edu/burke_library/index.html
Lexington Theological Seminary Library - Includes fully searchable catalogue and request form for inter-library loans. Located in Kentucky. - http://library.lextheo.edu/
Hartford Seminary Library - Graduate and research library provides online catalog, reference tools and information on its exhibits. - http://www.library.hartsem.edu/
The United Library - Over 300,000 volumes and 1,800 periodicals is rich in biblical studies, patristics, Christian art, ancient Near Eastern studies, archaeology, church history, American denominationalism, pietism, Christian education, African-American theological studies, w - http://www.unitedlibrary.org/
Vancouver School of Theology Library - Library information, including recent acquisitions, and access to the Union List of Serials in Religion and Theology on the University of British Columbia Campus. - http://www.vst.edu/library/index.php
Abilene Christian University Library - Library hours and departments, electronic resources, and online catalog. - http://www.acu.edu/academics/library/
Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries - Extensive information about the two libraries, with lists of links to online resources. - http://www.ptsem.edu/grow/library/index.htm
Duke University Divinity School Library - Electronic resources include resource guides in PDF format as well as the ability to search the library's website. - http://www.lib.duke.edu/divinity/
Yale University Divinity Library - Digital library tools for theological studies include a research guide for Christianity, denominational resources, and online tutorials. - http://www.library.yale.edu/div/divhome.htm
Vanderbilt University Divinity Library - Print and electronic subject resources in different areas of study, including church history, the New Testament, and theology. - http://divinity.library.vanderbilt.edu/
Andover-Harvard Theological Library - Links to basic information about the library, Internet resources, bibliographies of reference materials, and information about the manuscripts and archives collection and online exhibits. - http://www.hds.harvard.edu/library/
Atlantic School of Theology Library - Library information and some links to online theological resources, including Bibles and religious dictionaries and encyclopedia. - http://astheology.ns.ca/library.htm
Quartz Hill School of Theology Library - Online books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and online journals available to the public. - http://www.theology.edu/library.htm
Boston University School of Theology Library - One of the Boston Theological Institute Libraries; with access to the BU online catalog and BTI union list, as well as electronic research guides and information about the collections. - http://www.bu.edu/sth/library/
Emory University Pitts Theology Library - General information about the library and its services, including access to the online catalog and research resources in theology. - http://www.pitts.emory.edu/
The CHRISTIA Library - Documents relating to practical Christian life as submitted by the CHRISTIA mailing list readers, including biographies, sermons, and issues of morality. - http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kilroy/CHRISTIA/library/