The Wineburgh Library - Philatelic research library at the University of Texas (Dallas) with books, periodical volumes, philatelic journals and a selection of post office publications and reports. -
The Canadian Postal Archives - Provides an overview of the philatelic collections preserved by the National Archives of Canada. Includes information about every postage stamp issued by Canada and British North America since 1851. -
Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library - Houses over 5000 books on philately, issues of periodicals, auction catalogs for research purposes, a western history (postal history) and railroad collection, post office publications dating back to 1876, a collection of maps dating back to the 1870's, a -
The British Library's Philatelic Collections - A collection of stamps, postal history and books, including the Tapling Collection. Over eight million items. The collections, together with philatelic books, photographs, general reference material, maps, newspapers and of -
National Philatelic Society Library (NPSL) - A library with 1750 linear feet of shelving covering all aspects of stamp collecting from 1865 to date. It is very strong on periodicals of the world. -
American Philatelic Society - The largest public philatelic library in the United States, Its holdings include catalogues, government documents, auction catalogues, and a variety of other materials. Located in State College, Pennsylvania. -
Western Philatelic Library - Located in Sunnyvale, California, the library has over 8,000 philatelic books and monographs available for public examination. -