Cornell University - Research collections include Africana, industrial and labor relations, society and economics, engineering, entomology, the fine arts, law, management sciences, mathematics, medicine, music, and the physical sciences. Special collections include rare book -
Columbia University - Maintains specialized collections related to area studies, architecture and art, biology, chemistry, business and economics, history and humanities, geology and geoscience, health sciences, law, journalism, and other areas. Research affiliations: Assoc -
Princeton University - Research facilities include access to extensive databases, as well as hard-copy resources dealing with architecture, area studies (African, African-American, Jewish, Latin American, Near East, New Jersey, Oriental and East Asian, Russian, and Slavic), art -
Michigan State University - Research collections include Africana, fine arts, government documents and international studies, labor and industrial relations, agricultural economics, business, chemistry, engineering, geology, biological studies, mathematics, physics and astronomy, pl -
Yale University Library - New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Specialized collections and libraries in areas including the arts, anthropology, Babylonian culture, divinity, drama, regional studies, engineering, law, music, medicine, ornithology, and statistics. Research affiliations: -