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Transforming Scholarly Communication Open in a new windowLink Details
- New electronic and printed resources about scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet.
- http://weblogs.lib.uh.edu/weblogs/scomm/

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ResearchBuzz Open in a new windowLink Details
- News and information about search engines, databases, and various info-piles, provided by Tara Calishain.
- http://www.researchbuzz.org/wp/

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The Medium is the Message Open in a new windowLink Details
- Library, technology, and information thoughts and trends (with respect to Marshall McLuhan). A blog by Eric Schnell
- http://ericschnell.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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The Library Girl Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers a collection of resources and information for readers of all ages, featuring in-depth book reviews, commentaries, book discussion, book recommendations, book lists and literary criticism.
- http://weblog.thelibrarygirl.com

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Krafty Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Insights and essays from a medical librarian for a hospital in the USA.
- http://kraftylibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Wanderings of a Student Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- A student in library school, Joy Weese Moll, records wanderings on the web and through library literature.
- http://joy.mollprojects.com/myblogs/wanderings/

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Librarisaurus Open in a new windowLink Details
- Seattle teen services librarian writes book reviews and tells about herself and her workplace.
- http://www.swellsville.org/jen/

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Infomancy Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog about information, libraries, and technology by a school library system director from New York State.
- http://www.schoolof.info/infomancy/

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SMOTU: Secret Masters of the Universe Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog containing the musings of a serials cataloger on technology and management as well as serials cataloging, metadata, and the future of the profession.
- http://smotu.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Annoyed Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- An annoyed librarian rants about the state of librarianship.
- http://annoyedlibrarian.blogspot.com

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Information Literacy Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- An exploration of Information Literacy Instruction theory and practices.
- http://infolitlibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Confessions of a Mad Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog addressing LIS issues by a soon-to-graduate LIS student.
- http://edwards.orcas.net/blog/

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VALIS Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog of a New Zealand librarian, with a focus on search, Web 2.0 and online information tools.
- http://www.chamberlain.net.nz/blog/

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Conan the Librarian's Journal Open in a new windowLink Details
- Stories of unintelligent people in the public library.
- http://librant.livejournal.com/

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Gnomic Utterances: Ramblings on Librarianship, Technology, and Academia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Deborah's meanderings on librarianship, expecially as pertains to children's literature, academic libraries, new technology, and blogging.
- http://gnomicutterance.livejournal.com/

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faster than light Open in a new windowLink Details
- Journal of a subversive librarian in training.
- http://fasterthanlight.livejournal.com/

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Cedar Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Saving the world daily through information.
- http://cedarlibrarian.livejournal.com/

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The Invisible Web Weblog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Yazdan Mansourian discusses everything about the Invisible Web and Information Invisibility on the Web.
- http://invisibleweblog.blogspot.com/

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Linux Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog of a systems librarian at a small public library in a large town in Massachusetts.
- http://www.linuxlibrarian.org/

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Librarian on the Edge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Thoughts about library science, information science and the web revolution by an academic systems librarian.
- http://librariansonedge.blogspot.com/

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Dave's Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Commentary primarily about library web sites - usability, searching, new technologies, design.
- http://daweed.blogspot.com/

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BlogBib Open in a new windowLink Details
- Susan Herzog, university librarian, provides a scholarly introduction to weblogs and assembles an annotated bibliography of articles, essays, books, presentations and studies about them.
- http://blog-bib.blogspot.com/

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The Young Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Chronicles of a recent MLIS graduate seeking employment.
- http://younglibrarian.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Digital Dog Open in a new windowLink Details
- RAHarris' journal of library school, digital libraries, and related issues.
- http://raharris.livejournal.com/

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Real Public Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Public librarian from a small coastal community in Australia shares thoughts and ideas about public libraries.
- http://paradigmlibrary.blogspot.com/

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AbsTracked Open in a new windowLink Details
- Links weblog covering the topics of law, libraries, reference and fun.
- http://abstracked.blogspot.com/

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Heretical Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Moderate conservative writes about politics, librarianship, and other topics of interest.
- http://hereticallibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Caveat Lector - Reader Beware Open in a new windowLink Details
- Librarian has lots to say.
- http://cavlec.yarinareth.net/

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TangognaT Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ambivalent librarian writes mostly about her work.
- http://www.tangognat.com/

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Tinfoil + Raccoon Open in a new windowLink Details
- Rochelle the librarian writes a bit about herself and other topics of interest to her.
- http://rochellejustrochelle.typepad.com/

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Explodedlibrary.info Open in a new windowLink Details
- A cross of libraries, culture, law, politics and the internet.
- http://www.explodedlibrary.info/

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Travelin' Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Journal of Colorado librarian, trainer and writer Michael Sauers.
- http://www.travelinlibrarian.info/

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Law Librarian Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information and news for the law librarian.
- http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/law_librarian_blog/

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User Education Resources for Librarians Open in a new windowLink Details
- Topics and issues: user education, distance education support, e-learning support, librarianship, and information access. This blog is maintained by Teresa Hartman, MLS.
- http://libeducation.blogspot.com/

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Bibliotheke Open in a new windowLink Details
- Watching libraries evolve: comments on technology, copyright, privacy and information science.
- http://bibliotheke.org/

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BlissPix Open in a new windowLink Details
- Analysis of mass media and discussion of alternative media for librarians in all sectors.
- http://www.blisspix.net/

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Censoround Open in a new windowLink Details
- Censorship news and original articles from Chris Zammarelli, the Pernicious Librarian.
- http://www.libraryunderground.org/censoround/

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The Library Despot Open in a new windowLink Details
- Devoted to the ramblings and disconjointed thoughts of a brand new academic librarian.
- http://librarydespot.weblogs.us/

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Assemble Me Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information science weblog that focuses on information visualization and human technology interfaces and a wide range of closely related subjects.
- http://www.assembleme.com/

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Literature, Libertines and Lenin's Wife Open in a new windowLink Details
- Article is subtitled, "Famous people and libraries"
- http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/about/papers/famouslb.pdf

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Life of Books Open in a new windowLink Details
- This is dedicated to discussing the future of libraries in the "digital age" and discussing printed books as a viable information technology. It is managed by Professor Richard Leiter of the University of Nebraska
- http://thelifeofbooks.blogspot.com/

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Free Range Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Karen Schneider's meditations about librarianship and any other issue that interests her.
- http://freerangelibrarian.com/

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Vancouver Law Librarian Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Points of interest to the West Coast law librarian. Highlighted sources on KM, web development, and law library management.
- http://vancouverlawlib.blogspot.com/

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lbr.library-blogs.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog about virtual reference, created by and for the professional librarians who work for tutor.com's "Librarians By Request" service.
- http://lbr.library-blogs.net/

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Stephen Gallant Review Open in a new windowLink Details
- A select survey of readings for librarians and information specialists.
- http://gallant.blogspot.com/

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Library Dust Open in a new windowLink Details
- Michael McGrorty writes about library-related issues and news.
- http://librarydust.typepad.com/

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Christina's Library Rant Open in a new windowLink Details
- Christina Pikas, a sci/tech librarian, discusses topics of interest to the library world.
- http://christinaslibraryrant.blogspot.com/

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Webfeeds, Blogs & More Open in a new windowLink Details
- Teri Vogel provides news and commentary about tools for library and information professionals.
- http://georgiasla.blogspot.com/

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Info Ediface Open in a new windowLink Details
- Explores the world of information architecture, library science and technology.
- http://infoediface.blogspot.com

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Library News Daily Open in a new windowLink Details
- News and links from Peter Scott (no longer active, succeeded by Peter Scott's Library Blog, archives available).
- http://www.lights.com/scott/

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Life in the Stacks Open in a new windowLink Details
- Satirical blog about working in a library maintained by a disgruntled clerk.
- http://freakparade.blogspot.com/

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Aggy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Aggregator blog for the Indiana University School of Library and Information Science.
- http://www.slisblogs.com/

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LibTalk Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Inspiration for library communicators." Thoughts on public relations, communications, and marketing.
- http://libtalk.blogspot.com/

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The Well Dressed Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Celebrity librarian-at-large offers advice and commentary on etiquette, fashion, and the proper behavior of librarians and their customers.
- http://welldressedlibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Tom Roper's Weblog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A weblog on librarianship, among other things, by a UK medical/veterinary librarian.
- http://tomroper.typepad.com/tr/

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Tiny Little Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Musings and stories from an inner-city children's librarian.
- http://tinylittlelibrarian.blog-city.com/

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The Playful Antiquarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Explores children's literature, printing and paper history, rare books, and related topics.
- http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/thinking/

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That Rabbit Girl Open in a new windowLink Details
- Web chronicle of Alice, a legal library assistant in Chicago.
- http://thatrabbitgirl.blogspot.com/

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The Ten Thousand Year Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Blog of archivist David Mattison.
- http://www.davidmattison.ca/wordpress/index.php

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Tales from the "Liberry" Open in a new windowLink Details
- A small town West Virginia library employee's quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could often double as extras in a David Lynch film, not to mention dealing with life in general.
- http://liberry.blogspot.com/

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SpinsterLibrarian.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- The author's experiences in library school, and the public and university libraries where she works.
- http://www.spnstrlibrarian.blogspot.com/

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SHUSH Open in a new windowLink Details
- Massachusetts author writes for the conservative librarian.
- http://www.shush.ws/

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Scissors and Glue Open in a new windowLink Details
- The place to go for what's going on with Carrie Sullivan.
- http://www.carriesullivan.net/

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Rambling Librarian - Incidental Thoughts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Blog of librarian Ivan Chew who works in Singapore.
- http://ramblinglibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Notes from the Mystery Department Open in a new windowLink Details
- Thoughts on being a new librarian by Erica Olsen at Cornell University.
- http://www.librarianavengers.org/weblog/

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nichole's auxiliary storage Open in a new windowLink Details
- Compact shelving for library-related posts and general news from one grad student in Madison, Wisconsin.
- http://jumbledpileofperson.typepad.com/nichole/

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The Misadventures of Super_Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- The blog of Wendy, a mild-mannered, Midwestern public librarian and fervent book junkie.
- http://super_librarian.blogspot.com/

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Lost in the stacks Open in a new windowLink Details
- The adventures and misadventures of Jess Webb.
- http://lostinthestacks.blogspot.com/

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Libraryman Open in a new windowLink Details
- Seattle's Michael Porter, librarian superhero, narrates the world "where libraries and Pez collide."
- http://www.libraryman.com/blog/

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Library Monk Open in a new windowLink Details
- Thoughts of Dan Greene on Library and Information Science, Information Technology, web design, life, religion and perhaps monks.
- http://www.librarymonk.com/

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Libertarian Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Melissa Zogby's political and research observations.
- http://librarianobservations.blogspot.com/

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30 Hours Open in a new windowLink Details
- UC-Berkeley librarian Lynn Jones talks about libraries, research, pedagogy, historical resources, kids, web art and funny/creative uses of the web.
- http://interactiveu.berkeley.edu:8000/lj/

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Foxy Librarians Open in a new windowLink Details
- A foxy public librarian blogs about life in a large urban city by the bay.
- http://foxylibrarians.blogspot.com/

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diy librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tara Murray brings do-it-yourself and librarianship together.
- http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/t/e/tem10/

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The Digital Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Commentary about digital services to bring people to digital libraries.
- http://digitallibrarian.org/

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The Days & Nights of the Lipstick Librarian! Open in a new windowLink Details
- Diary of a librarian fashionista.
- http://www.lipsticklibrarian.com/blog/

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Catalogue Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- A miscellany of links, library news and observations, such as interesting names, unusual titles and quotations. Accompanied by some original articles on books and reading.
- http://catalogueblog.blogspot.com/

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Canuck Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Links and moments from the life of Jennifer, a young information specialist.
- http://canucklibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Biblioblog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Chronicle of a freshly-minted MLS learning the ropes at a tiny West Texas college library.
- http://biblioblog.blogspot.com/

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Bad Girl Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- An action figure you can have sexual fantasies about. Includes musings on library related issues.
- http://badgirllibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Ask Nettie Day: Alter Ego of a Student Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Nettie Day (aka student xine) speaks her mind on library school, the reference desk, fiction and extra-curricular activities.
- http://asknettieday.blogspot.com/

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Librarianguish Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal blog which covers library issues and life at home.
- http://librarianguish.blogdrive.com/

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The Library Ass Open in a new windowLink Details
- A blog dedicated to the library assistant, the librarian's overworked apprentice.
- http://libraryass.blogspot.com/

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Library Writer's Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Source to help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields.
- http://librarywriting.blogspot.com/

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Bentley's Journal Open in a new windowLink Details
- Comments and links from Betsy Vera.
- http://bentleywg.livejournal.com/

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The Distant Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Comments on the world of distance librarianship.
- http://distlib.blogs.com/

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One New Thing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog of Lynette Reville, a new librarian in Australia, who is on a library-like quest to find One New Thing to learn every day.
- http://nlrp.blogspot.com/

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