WebMonkey: Metadata, Mark II - Jason Cook's article about some independent technologies such as GeoURL, SMBmeta, Dublin Core, RDF, and FOAF. - http://webmonkey.com/webmonkey/03/24/index0a.html
Agricultural Metadata Element Set Project - The AgMES project promotes the use of metadata in description of all document-like information objects in the domain of agriculture. It is an extension of the Dublin Core element set. - http://www.fao.org/aims/intro_meta.jsp
Metadata Research Center (MRC) - The University of North Carolina School of Information and Library (SILS) Metadata Research Center has been established to advance research in the area of metadata, semantics and ontologies. - http://ils.unc.edu/mrc/
Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary (PBCore) - Designed to provide for television, radio and Web activities a standard way of describing and using data. This allows content to be more easily retrieved and shared. - http://www.utah.edu/cpbmetadata/
EServer TC Library: Metadata - A collection of more than 65 rated, reviewed online resources in metadata cataloguing. - http://tc.eserver.org/dir/Metadata
National Curriculum Metadata Standard - Description and documentation of the metadata standard for the National Curriculum for England. - http://www.curriculumonline.gov.uk/SupplierCentre/Metadataguides.htm
SSD (Simple Storefront Distribution) - A web content distribution method used by E-Commerce websites to share catalog data in a format easily interpreted by computer software. SSD is an XML 1.0 based markup language modeled after the RSS 2.0 specification. - http://www.simplestorefront.org
The Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (PRISM) Specification - Defines an XML metadata vocabulary for managing, aggregating, post-processing, multi-purposing and aggregating magazine and mainstream journal content. PRISM is defined by a working group of IDEAlliance, a publishing industry association. - http://www.prismstandard.org/
FASTER - Describes a metadata project focused on creating an easy-to-use and flexible tool for access to official and other statistical data. - http://www.exploit-lib.org/issue7/data/
CanCore - Official home for documents, presentations and other resources related to the Canadian Core Learning Object Metadata Application Profile. The CanCore Profile is intended to facilitate the interchange of records describing educa - http://www.cancore.ca/
Metacrap - Cory Doctorow's seven arguments against metadata. - http://www.well.com/~doctorow/metacrap.htm
Index Data - Specializes in the design and development of advanced software for information management and retrieval applications. Uses Z39.50, Dublin Core and XML. - http://www.indexdata.dk/
XML: Metadata For the Rest of Us. - By Jeffery Veen. Wired Magazine. Includes an interview with Tim Bray. - http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,4997,00.html
MetaMap - An annotated Scalable Vector Graphic showing metadata standards, sets, and initiatives. - http://mapageweb.umontreal.ca/turner/meta/english/index.html
EuroCRIS CERIF Task Group - Task Group maintaining and developing Common European Research Information Format Metadata and database format. First published and supported by European Commission for research and scientific data sharing and exchange. - http://www.ub.uib.no/avdeling/fdok/cris/taskgroups/index3.htm
Resource Guide to Metadata - Reference to metadata standards for scientific, research, and education information. Site describes ontologies for science. - http://derpi.tuwien.ac.at/~andrei/Metadata_Science.htm
University of Queensland: An Introduction to Metadata - Detailed explanation of metadata, schema and elements, in a FAQ format. Includes related links. - http://www.itb.hu/fejlesztesek/meta/hgls/core/Background/An_Introduction_to_Metadata.htm
What is Metadata? - Alexandria Digital Library - http://www.alexandria.ucsb.edu/public-documents/metadata/
Metadata at W3C - Metadata research at the World Wide Web Consortium. - http://www.w3.org/Metadata/
UKOLN Metadata - Resources from the UK Office for Library and Information Networking - http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/
Metadata.Net Home Page - Resources from the Distributed Systems Technology Center (DSTC). - http://metadata.net/
Advanced Meta Data Architecture - David Marco. Architectural challenges that arise with implementing a meta data repository that requires more advanced functionality. - http://www.tdan.com/i013fe01.htm