Retrieval and Repackaging - Emporia State University course on online research, Internet communication, word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and HTML. -
Introduction to Research Methods in Library and Information Science - This University of Texas at Austin course is designed to provide a general introduction to the concerns and skills of both the producer and the consumer of research in the field of library and information science. -
Introduction to Library and Information Studies - University of Texas at Austin course on the orientation to library organization, types of libraries, classification systems, library terminology, duties of library personnel, history of libraries, and current issues in library service, with particular em -
Information Network Applications - University of Tennessee course on the social, economic, political and cultural implications of the Internet. -
Information in Cyberspace - University of Texas at Austin course on the history, infrastructure and societal aspects of the Internet. This includes locating, analyzing, and evaluating networked information resources. -
Information Literacy 101 - York College of Pennsylvania course that teaches basic information literacy skills to undergraduates. -