Checking What You Check Out - Librarians unite against government's new ability to peek at what you read. [Time Magazine] -,9171,449469,00.html
Defending the Right Right to Read - Bookstores and libraries are taking steps to protect their clients from what they say is a dangerously snooping government. [ABC News] -
Patriot Act Foes Say Tide Now Turning in Their Direction - Reviews legislation and lawsuits challenging the Patriot Act library provisions. [Publishers Weekly] -
ALA Council: Patriot Act a Danger - Report on a resolution passed against the act. [Library Journal] -
The USA PATRIOT Act - Three librarians examine the act and how you librarians can protect patron privacy without breaking the law. [Library Journal] -
Librarians Make Some Noise Over Patriot Act - "Concerns about privacy prompt some to warn patrons, destroy records of book and computer use." [Washington Post] -
Reader Privacy - Details the impact of Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act on reader privacy, and provides methods to protest to Congress plus an on-line petition. -
Not in the Library! - Commentary on an FBI presence in a public library. [Metro Pulse] -
Why the Patriot Act Worries Booksellers - Opinion piece by the owner of the Harvard Book Store. [The Boston Globe] -
Some State Libraries Purging Records - "The Wisconsin Library Association has warned libraries about the new federal Patriot Act, leading some to purge circulation records to protect privacy, and others to begin warning patrons about the law's effects." [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] -
Subversive Reading - Comments a face-off between the American Library Association and Attorney General John Ashcroft. [New York Times Magazine] -
Liberty in the Balance: Librarians Step Up - Covers new library procedures and policies regarding requests from authorities, with some analysis. [The Sacramento Bee] -
Librarians are on Front Lines Against Easier Access to Records - "The public library in Boulder, the home of the University of Colorado, has adopted one of the country's most aggressive policies to keep circulation records private." [The Boston Globe] -
Online NewsHour: Libraries and Liberties - Transcript of a report on libraries and the Patriot Act. [PBS] -
Freedom to Read / Big Brother Out of Our Libraries - Opinion piece against the act, concluding that "we run the risk of letting the terrorists claim victory by allowing their attacks to chip away at our constitutional rights." [San Francisco Chronicle] -
PATRIOTS, ACT - Information article by Jessamyn West on the Patriot Act. -
Librarians Heroes in War to Save Freedom - Commentary on "a battle to preserve Americans' freedoms." [Seattle Post-Intelligencer] -
EPIC USA PATRIOT Act Page - Information overview and news updates from the Electronic Privacy Information Center. -
The Readers' Rights Project - Information and resources on the Partiot Act and library surveillance. From the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics. -
Librarians as FBI Extension Agents - Comments on the Patriot Act's Section 215. [CounterPunch] -
Library Restrictions Borrow from Colonial-Era Abuses - Editorial comparing the colonial British suppression of media with the FBI's current powers to spy on readers. [USA Today] -
Libraries Fear Loss of Privacy as FBI Searches for Terrorists - "Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, librarians across America have been waging their own struggle against what they regard as an attack on sacred ground: government intrusion into their patrons' reading records." [The Toledo Blade] -
The Patriot Act and the First Amendment - Statement of concern from the Freedom to Read Committee of the Association of American Publishers. -
Library Officials to Mull Privacy - Librarians' concerns about the Patriot Act and privacy. [The Valley Independent] -
Privacy and Security: A Librarian's Dilemma - Editorial about library privacy laws. [San Francisco Chronicle] -
FBI's Reading List Worries Librarians - "At New York City's Queens Borough Public Library, director Gary Strong is an uneasy draftee on the front line of the war on terrorism." [USA Today] -
Big John Wants Your Reading List - Reviews the Patriot Act's rules for the FBI obtaining records from bookstores and libraries. [The Village Voice] -
Library Records Post-Patriot Act - A chart of changed legal authorities, by Law Library Resource Xchange. -
Effects of the Patriot Act on Librarians - Slashdot article and discussion about the gag orders for FBI library investigations. -