Heritage College Library - Gatineau, Quebec. Links to OPAC, periodical holdings, website directories, and their Information Literacy Program. - http://www.cegep-heritage.qc.ca/Institution/Services/LibraryServices/
Champlain St-Lambert Cegep Library - St. Lambert, Longueuil, Quebec. Policies and services, online databases, and research tools. - http://www.champlaincollege.qc.ca/st-lambert/site2/library/
Marianopolis College Library - Montreal, Quebec. Includes a directory of web sites selected by librarians and faculty at the college. - http://www2.marianopolis.edu/
The John Abbott College Library - CEGEP in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. Online database and information about the library. - http://johnabbott.qc.ca/webpages/departments/library/
Dawson College Library - Montreal, Quebec. Information about the school and its library, a guide to search engines, and a web directory. - http://dolls.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/