Crosstraining: Learning probabilistic mappings between topics - Introduces a general semi-supervised learning framework called cross-training which can exploit knowledge about label assignments in one taxonomy B to make better inferences about label assignments in another taxonomy A. -
Classification Society of North America - Scientific organization studying classification and clustering, including systematic methods for creating classification schemes from unstructured data. -
MeURLin: URL-based Classification of Web Pages - Project that attempts to classify web pages based solely on their URL. A functional demo is included. -
Managing Taxonomies Strategically - Brief article focused on helping knowledge base publishers understand how taxonomies work and how to implement them. Features related articles. -
Taxonomy Warehouse - Directory of taxonomies, thesauri, classification schemes, and other authority files, plus information on how to license the taxonomies. Features search, browse and alert service. -
ASIST Special Interest Group - Classification Research - Studies the fundamental principles, underlying processes, and analytic constructs of classification schemes and procedures by humans or automata. -
International Federation of Classification Societies - A federation of national, regional, and linguistically-based classification societies whose aims are to further knowledge classification research. -
Organizational Theory Bibliography - Annotated list of works on classification theory, classification systems, controlled vocabularies, indexing, index design, thesaurus design, and library and information science. -
Controlled Vocabulary - Describes how controlled vocabularies are useful in describing images and information for classifying content in electronic databases. Links to sample hierarchies and controlled vocabularies. Also features links to related resources. -
Automatic Categorization of Magazine Articles - Research paper discussing automatic categorization of magazine articles with broad subject descriptors. Focuses upon the following aspects of text classification: effective selection of feature words and proper names that reflect the main topics of the te -
Taxonomy: Creating Knowledge from Chaos - Brief overview of taxonomies and their use in organizing information on the Internet. -
Taxonomies Are What? - Describes the use of taxonomies to organize information on the Web. -
Flamenco Project - Investigates how to effectively incorporate large, faceted category hierarchies into information access user interfaces. -
Project Aristotle - Projects, research, products and services investigating or demonstrating automated Web categorization. Some prototypes and demos are available. -