Zuse Institute Berlin - Scientific Visualization - the team develops new methods for data analysis, geometry reconstruction, and visualization - utilizing powerful algorithms from image analysis, computer graphics and numerical mathematics - http://www.zib.de/visual/index.en.html
Sandia National Laboratories - Data Analysis and Visualization research group - http://www.cs.sandia.gov/analysis_visualization/
Visualization / Data Analysis at ITD - Visualization and Data Analysis at Brookhaven national laboratory. - http://www.bnl.gov/csc/projects/VisualizationProjects/
Scientific Visualization Lab Projects - at Georgia tech. Focusing on the uses of Virtual environment for scientific visualization. - http://www.cc.gatech.edu/scivis/research/research.html
Scientific Visualization in Neuro Imaging at UCLA - The laboratory is dedicated to the development of scientific approaches for the comprehensive mapping of brain structure and function. - http://www.loni.ucla.edu/SVG/
Scientific Visualization at the Pittsburgh supercomputing center - Research and development by the Data Intensive Systems group at the PSC is concentrated in two areas: the production of scientific graphics and animations and graphics software development. - http://www.psc.edu/research/graphics/graphics.html
NPACI & SDSC Visualization Lab - Reports, projects, image gallery of research work carried at the University of California San Diego super computing center. - http://vis.sdsc.edu/
LLNL Scientific Visualization - Research group at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, providing software and research papers on work carried at the laboratory. - http://www.llnl.gov/graphics/