English Grammar 101 - On-line tutorial English grammar instruction for alternative education settings, language arts classes, home schooling, adult study, and ESL courses. - http://englishgrammar101.com/
CafeGenius.com - Study sessions in math, science, and languages for homeschool high school students. - http://www.cafegenius.com
For Such a Time as This - College and SAT preparation resources for the Christian homeschooler from Dr. James Stobaugh. - http://www.forsuchatimeasthis.com
NARS - North Atlantic Regional School - High school services for homeschoolers, also offers accelerated diploma options. Located in Lewiston, Maine. - http://narsonline.com/
Everyday Education - Distance learning high school, English classes and resources to support families with homeschooling teens. - http://www.everyday-education.com
The Path From Home School to College - Blair Dowling shares his insights on the transition from homeschool high school to college, including transcript information and the socialization issue. - http://ultimate1.8m.com/college.html