Elementary Teacher Resources - Offers products, tips, and creative ideas for primary teachers. - http://www.elementary-teacher-resources.com
Gander Academy's Theme Pages - Lists Web resources organized by themes commonly taught at the primary and elementary levels. Provide students with access to safe and age appropriate resources. - http://www.cdli.ca/CITE/themes.html
Mrs. Fisher's Kinder Themes - Nine months of thematic fun for kindergarten and first grade. - http://www.kinderthemes.com/index.html
ABC Teach - Includes free printable activities, research and report help, project and writing ideas, and diorama themes to print. - http://www.abcteach.com/
Elementary School Blog - Blog of school librarian Norma Jean Smith who works in Austin, Texas. Includes sites designed for elementary school teachers and librarians. - http://elementary-school.blogspot.com/
First School Years - Free worksheets, flashcards and other educational resources for teachers and parents of children in their first few years of school. - http://www.firstschoolyears.com
Kindergarten Resources - Lesson plans, activities, and Internet resources for kindergarten classes. - http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listkindersu.html
First Grade Plus - Free stories, coloring pages, follow up exercises, and teaching hints to supplement drug prevention curriculum. - http://www.firstgradeplus.com