A Case Evaluation in Internet Assisted Laboratory Teaching - This paper presents the preliminary findings from an evaluation conducted on the implementation of Internet assisted teaching of fluid mechanical engineering laboratory sessions on a university degree program. It compares the particular merits of laborat - http://www.rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/mo2020z01.htm
Quality Online Education - New Research Agendas - This paper describes current debates within quality assurance and online delivery policies within universities and proposes four themes as ways to consider these debates and their relationships with each other. - http://www.rapidintellect.com/AEQweb/mo2268w03.htm
elearningpost - Provides news and views into the process and practice of e-learning. From knowledge management to learning design and from usability to strategy, it caters to those responsible for making it work in their organizations. - http://www.elearningpost.com/
The Evolution of Distance Learning - Research paper containing the definition of distance education, and who needs it. - http://sqzm14.ust.hk/distance/
Issues in Distance Learning - Theories and philosophies of distance education are dealt with in this article by L. Sherry, (1996). - http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~lsherry/pubs/issues.html
Needs Assessment for Distance Learning - Sherry, L., & Morse, R. (1995). An assessment of training needs in the use of distance education for instruction. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications,1(1), 5-22 - http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~lsherry/pubs/needs/index.html
ARIADNE Foundation Home - ARIADNE projects focus on the development of tools and methodologies for producing, managing and reusing computer-based pedagogical elements and telematics supported training curricula. - http://www.ariadne-eu.org/
Learning Technologies Workshop homepage - Workshop within CEN/ISSS that produces reports on critical standardization areas for Europe. - http://www.cenorm.be/isss/Workshop/LT/
International Research Foundation for Open Learning (IRFOL) - Carries out research in open and distance learning in all parts of the world but with a particular focus on developing countries. It has particular interests in basic education, teacher education, higher education and the use of technologies. Find resea - http://www.col.org/irfol/
What's The Difference? - A review of contemporary research on the effectiveness of distance learning in higher education. This is a pdf file of size about 150K. - http://www.nea.org/he/abouthe/diseddif.pdf
Distance Learning in Higher Education - Summaries of and links to reports covering topics related to distance learning, mainly as it applies to high schools and colleges. - http://www.chea.org/Commentary/
Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT) - Europe's leading R&D initiative in the domain of advanced learning technologies for management education and knowledge management. - http://www.insead.fr/CALT/
The Teletraining Institute - Provides a practical laboratory where teachers, corporate trainers, government instructors, and others can learn and explore the skills and methods specific to the growing field of distance education. - http://www.teletrain.com/
Knowledge Integration Environment - The KIE Project pioneers the educational use of the World Wide Web for middle and high school science instruction. - http://www.kie.berkeley.edu/kie.html
The Internet As An Educational Tool - Making the web work for South Africa - article by Edward P Rybicki, University of Cape Town. - http://www.uct.ac.za/microbiology/educwww.html
Distance Education and the WWW - Gives an overview of the state of art in the distance learning domain and its recent evolution. - http://tecfa.unige.ch/edu-comp/edu-ws94/contrib/peraya.fm.html
Making Sense of Learning Specifications and Standards - Report on state of standardizations of Learning Objects and relevance for future development of online education. [770K pdf file] - http://www.masie.com/standards/S3_Guide.pdf