Rice University
- An independent, coeducational, nonsectarian, private, research university offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Located in Houston with an enrollment of approximately 4,200.
- http://www.rice.edu/
The Connexions Project - Connexions is a Content Commons of free, open-licensed educational materials in fields such as music, electrical engineering and psychology. Mostly college level, but some content for younger students too. - http://cnx.org/
Web Sitemap of Rice.edu - All topics, departments, subjects, programs found online, in alphabetical order. - http://www.rice.edu/Internet/search/query.php?tab=sitemap
Future Owls - Portal for information of interest to prospective students seeking degrees or continuing education at Rice. - http://futureowls.rice.edu/
Directions to Rice University - Rice's address and phone number, how to get to Rice from the airports, and where to park once you get there. - http://futureowls.rice.edu/futureowls/Driving_Directions.asp
Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort - President Kennedy's major 1962 address on the space program in text and audio. - http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resources/Archives/Reference+Desk/Speeches/JFK/003POF03SpaceEffort09121962.htm
Rice Image Library - Low-resolution images of buildings, architectural details, sports, and campus life. - http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~opa/pubs/imagelibrary/
Rice University - Wikipedia - Encyclopedia entry covering the essentials of Rice and campus life. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_University
A Rice Lexicon - Unofficial glossary of terms heard on the Rice campus. - http://web.mit.edu/usagi/www/Lexicon.htm
Rice Cinema - Part of the Department of Visual Arts at Rice. Shows classic and independent films. Tickets are available for purchase by the public and at a discount for students and faculty. - http://ricecinema.rice.edu/
CEEE GirlTECH - In response to a dearth of women in computer science, GirlTECH works with teachers to promote the participation of girls and women. During GirlTECH's initial two-week training period, held each summer at Rice University in Houston, Texas, participating te - http://teachertech.rice.edu/
Giving to Rice - A site that allows alumni and friends to make a gift to Rice online, determine where support is most needed, and see the impact a gift has on Rice students and faculty. - http://giving.rice.edu/
Rice Campus Geology - Describes the land used for the campus and explains the good and bad of the soil conditions, especially how it exacerbates flooding and is causing subsidence damage to campus buildings. - http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~leeman/rice_campus_geology.htm
Rice University Campus Maps - Online maps which show important details about the Rice campus. - http://www.rice.edu/maps/
Rice Architectural Curiosities - There are a treasure trove of architectural amusements on the campus of Rice University. Here is a walking tour of some of these. - http://fortuna.home.pipeline.com/cafe-compendium/weird6.htm
Rice University School Mathematics Project - Works to provide a bridge between the Rice University mathematics research community and Houston area mathematics teachers. Find details about courses, programs, staff and faculty. - http://rusmp.rice.edu/
Rice University Honor Council - How the honor system works, how it is policed, and what happens when violations occur. - http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~honor/
Rice Facts - Details about most aspects of Rice. - http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~instresr/ricefacts/
The Rice University Computer - History of the R1, built in part because some Rice professors did not want to move to Los Alamos to use the U.S. government's MANIAC II. - http://www.princeton.edu/~adam/R1/r1rpt.html