Queen's Theological College - Affiliated with the United Church of Canada, Queen's Theological College is federated with Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. - http://www.queensu.ca/theology/
Carey Outreach Ministries - Training spiritual leaders around the globe. Includes information on doctrine and a newsletter. - http://www.careyoutreach.org/
Saint Paul University - Catholic and bilingual university offering degrees in Philosophy, Theology, Human Sciences and Canon Law. Lists events, programs, campus life, directories, library and research information. - http://www.ustpaul.ca/
Eastern Pentecostal Bible College - Trains people for the ministry through discipleship, bible college, intercultural bible college, and seminary, and offers distance education options. Campuses in Mississauga and Peterborough. - http://www.mcs.edu/
Emmanuel Bible College - Fully accredited Christian College offering undergraduate degrees in theology and religious education with a variety of majors and minors. Also offering sports and music programs. - http://www.ebcollege.on.ca/
Transformational Arts Centre - School in Toronto, Canada offering courses designed to enrich mind, body, and spirit, with special emphasis on training for counsellors in psychospiritual and holistic fields. - http://www.transformationalarts.com
Institute for Christian Studies - Graduate studies and distance education from a Christian perspective. - http://www.icscanada.edu/