Ryerson University
- Located in Toronto, offers more than 40 career-focused undergraduate and graduate programs, and personal and professional learning opportunities through its Continuing Education Division.
- http://www.ryerson.ca/
Ryerson Muslim Student Association - Provides a place for Muslim students of Ryerson to meet with one another, and provides news, events and related information. - http://ryersonmsa.com/
Ryerson Tamil Student Association - Offers various cultural and social activities for the Tamil community. Includes pictures, calendar and mission statement. - http://www.ryetsa.com/tsa2006/
The Ryersonian - Student newspaper of Ryerson University. - http://stw.ryerson.ca/~sonian/
The Eyeopener - Independent weekly student newspaper of Ryerson University. - http://www.theeyeopener.com/
Ryerson Hellenic Students Association - Brings Greek and Philhellenic students together from across Ryerson in an effort to preserve, celebrate and share Greek culture and heritage. - http://stw.ryerson.ca/~rhsa/
Russian - Ukrainian Students Club - Brings Russian and Ukrainian students together at Ryerson. Includes an events calendar, forum and photo gallery. - http://stw.ryerson.ca/~ruc/
Ryerson Ismaili Student Group - Promotes educational, sporting and social interest of its members and helps create a greater awareness of Ismaili and Islamic culture. - http://stw.ryerson.ca/~risa/
School of Image Arts - Offers a 4 year undergraduate program leading to Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Provides program details, biographies of staff, and information about campus resources. - http://www.imagearts.ryerson.ca/
Ryerson Organization - Organization chart, program and department links. - http://www.ryerson.ca/org/
Prospective Students - Admissions and financial assistance. Offers many undergraduate and graduate programs, and personal and professional learning opportunities. - http://www.ryerson.ca/prospective/
Research and Innovation - Describes Ryerson's major research programs, supported by the private sector, major granting councils, and governments. - http://www.ryerson.ca/research/
York/Ryerson Joint Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture - A program which combines academic and professional work in promoting the application of theory and research to contemporary issues and practices in communication and culture, in partnership with York. - http://comcult.yorku.ca/
Information Technology Studies - ITS offers Advanced Training Designation programs on a full-time or part-time basis for internet or networking technologies including J2EE, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP, .NET or A+. - http://www.itatryerson.com/
Dr. Ziad Saghir - Professor of Engineering, specializing in material processing and fluid flow. Lists course material, research projects, publications and laboratories. - http://www.ryerson.ca/~zsaghir/
Canadian Society for Industrial Engineering - Ryerson Chapter - The CSIE promotes industrial engineering as a profession and advises the student body about its opportunities. Provides membership information and upcoming events. - http://stw.ryerson.ca/~csie/
Continuing Education at Ryerson University - CE at Ryerson offers over 1000 courses, 70 certificate programs, advanced training designations and corporate training. Located in downtown Toronto, it also offers distance education options. - http://ce-online.ryerson.ca/ce/