Wales University Royal Navy Unit - HMS Express - Photo gallery, forum, recruitment information and profile of the commanding officer. -
Wales Digital College - The Digital College is a joint venture which will combine the services and skills of educationalists, trainers, business and industry, BBC Wales and S4C to provide a first class life long learning service for viewers. Digital television will become a virt -
Open Learning Centre International - Founded in 1983 to offer a service of flexible training, personal development and education for industry, commerce, public organisations and individuals throughout the world. -
YMCA Wales Community College - Provides learning opportunities to people over the age of sixteen in a range of subjects at centres across the country. Includes details of courses, enquiry form and contacts. -
Yale College - Tertiary college offering a range of further education courses from its two campuses and 13 outreach centres. Provides details of courses, facilities, enrolment and fees. -