Faculty of Psychology - Official site of the faculty gives general information about its structure and organization. - http://www.psy.msu.ru/
Department of Chemistry - Contains information about the department, organization structure, information for applicants, some scientific-related material (Russian and English versions). - http://www.chem.msu.su/
Institute of Asian and African Studies - The Institute comprises three sections: Philology, History and Socio-Economics, providing students with equal volume of working knowledge of Oriental and West-European languages. - http://www.iaas.msu.ru/box_e.html
Philological Faculty - Administration structure, admission information, research activity of the faculty. - http://www.philol.msu.ru/eng/
Physics Department - Scientific information, history of the department, education-related material, organization structure, admission information. - http://www.phys.msu.su/
Faculty of History - Site of the faculty includes a department structure, news section, publications archive and a photo archive. - http://www.hist.msu.ru/English/index.html
Faculty of Medicine - Information about Faculty of Medicine at the Moscow_State_University - academic curriculum, science activity, news. - http://www.fbm.msu.ru/index-e.html
BioPhysics Department - Contains general information about faculty along with scientific-related knowledgebase, forums and news. - http://www.biophys.msu.ru/