The Infonomia Society - Maastricht - The official webpage of the Infonomia Society, Maastricht. The purpose of this organisation is to bundle the different additional activities undertaken by the various people connected to the Infonomics institute as well as the study programme. -
Infonomics - Economics for the Information Economy - Home of the Bachelor/Master programmes - The official webpage of the Infonomics study programme, a branch of Economics tackling the changes caused by the transition to an information economy. The site provides information on the programme for prospective students and a designated Alumni area. -
Maastricht University - General information about this university. -
MBA Hotel & Tourism Management - One year course, offered by the Hotel Management School Maastricht and the Maastricht University. -
Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University - Offers courses in cultural studies, law, economics, and information science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. -