Global Reporter - The Journalist Patrick Gallitz travels as a backpacker with a laptop and a camera through the country. -
Adventures of Little Miss Chievous - In March, 2002, eight year old Little Miss Chievous embarked on a three week adventure to the Galapagos Isalnds, Andes and Amazon of Ecuador with Evan as her guide. -
Nicole's Ecuador Expedition - Site contains general budget travel tips, pictures and travelosgues. -
Myra & Ron Travelpage - Detailed travelogue reports with pictures from a 5-week trip made throughout Ecuador. -
Ecuador 2001 - A detailed travelogue, a photo gallery and background to a 3 week trip to Ecuador, including a week deep in the Amazon Rainforest at Kapawi Ecolodge and a week sailing the Galapagos Islands. -
Marine Expeditions Galapagos Islands - A one week cruise to the Galapagos Islands, photographs and commentary by R.G.Daniel. -
Evan's Ecuador - A Learning Adventure - Join 5 year old Evan on his special journey to Galapagos, Andes and Amazon of Ecuador. -