Our Really Big Adventure
- Articles and pictures chronicle Caelen and Barbara's 2002 travel adventures around the world. Photos, activities, planning, logs and medical preparations.
- http://www.ourreallybigadventure.com/
LiquidLetter - Articles and photography of our year living in France and travelling around the world. - http://www.liquidletter.ca
A Year in the Life - One traveller's day-by-day diary of a year-long journey through Japan, China, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, America and Canada. - http://www.yearinthelife.org
Peter Steyn's Travel Escapades - Follow this blogger as he travels around the world to bring you his best photographs and amazing experiences in exotic places - http://www.petersteyn.blogspot.com/
A 1000 Day World Trip - Travel stories including more than 1,000 photos covering 54 countries on 4 continents. - http://www.7is7.com/otto/travel/
London2Sydney - Details of the London to Sydney charity expedition driving overland in a VW camper van. - http://www.london2sydney.org/
SeaDolby Articles and Tall Tales - Showcase of Ieuan Dolby's articles, writings, tall tales and essays covering the topics of travel, the sea, ships and cultural diversity. - http://www.seadolby.com/
The Cooper Chronicles - Adventures of an around the world trip, as well as photos and details from other shorter travels. - http://www.thecooperchronicles.com
Great Big Trip - A year-long journey through the Americas, Australia and Asia by Patrick Alexander of Scotland. Pictures and humorous narration. - http://www.postmaster.co.uk/~trystero/69225/page_0.html
WorldWander - An around-the-world travelogue from 1998 - 1999 combining detailed travel stories, photos and practical information. Continents include Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, and Middle East. - http://www.worldwander.com/
My-Travels.log - Personal site containing a detailed log of a trip around the world. Includes photos and links. - http://www.michaelhibbs.co.uk/
Baxka round the world - Travels of Miles and Yolanda from London through Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the US, Mexico and South America in 2000 / 2001. - http://www.baxka.com/
Stephen and Theresa Woo's Travels - Includes accounts of a Kilimanjaro climb in 1999, snowshoeing at Yosemite, camping at Big Sur, and trip through Shanghai, Fuzhou, and Taipei. - http://www.swoo.com/
WiredNomad - Wirednomad is a continuously updated multimedia record of the experiences of two friends as they travel the world in 2002, 2003. South America, New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia and Europe. - http://www.wirednomad.com/
The Long's Strange Trip - Travels through Thailand, Bali, India, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico in 2000. - http://www.longsstrangetrip.com/
2 Go Global - Two Atlanta lawyers quit their jobs and spent 18 months traveling through South America, Central America, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Nepal, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and the United States in 1999-2001 - http://www.2goglobal.com/
Maurice's Round the World - Travelogue with photos and travel tips for America, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Myanmar and India from a trip in 1999. - http://www.calvert.ch/
Two Belgian Globebikers - Two Belgian guys cycle the globe through South America, Asia and Australia. - http://users.telenet.be/mario.brackeva/
Around the World - Detailed look at an around-world trip in 1997 including Africa, Europe and North America. - http://markc.ethereal.net/aroundtheworld/
Where in the World Was David Sheppard - Ten months exploring South America, Africa, Mediterranean Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, and the South Pacific. - http://www.mindspring.com/~dsheppard/
Steven Raucher's World Tour - Around the world by motorcycle. Offers travel journal and photographs of destinations. - http://rauchertour.com
Overland Adventure of Los Ligato - Adventures south in a Volkswagen Westfalia through Mexico, Central America and South America. - http://www.vwvagabonds.com
The Yellow Brick Road Travel Blog - Follow Melle and Ed as they plan and then travel through North and South America, and Oceania. They leave in August 2003. - http://www.theyellowbrickroad.net
Earth2Marsh.com - Photo Journal and Travelogue documenting Marsh Gardiner's 20+ month solo backpack through 22 countries in Europe, Morocco, Asia, Oceania, and North America. - http://earth2marsh.com
Semyan.com - A couple travel around the world without flying. They visit USA, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand between 2000 and 2003. - http://www.semyan.com
Vagabonding.com - A chronicle of the solo year long journey of Mike Pugh, that started in October, 2002. After leaving Chicago, USA, destinations include Southeast Asia, India, and East Africa. - http://www.vagabonding.com
Boston Cube - A travelogue about returning to the UK via South America, Australia and the Far East after two years working in Boston. - http://www.bostoncube.com
Global Trots of Anne and Brian - Photos and travelogues from a trip around the World October 2001 - August 2002 - http://homepage.eircom.net/~globaltrots/
We Decided to Take a Little Trip - Travelogue of Dave and Marisa Haralson's trip around the world during 2002-03. Two year trip to 29 countries. - http://www.theharalsons.com
Rhymer's Travel Diary - World Wide Waffle. Rhymer Rigby is currently slackpacking around the world. Prior to this he was a journalist so he thought he'd put up a travel diary for his friends - and indeed anyone else to enjoy. - http://www.rhymer.net/traveldiaryoptions.htm
Circle The Globe with Janet and John - Eighteen month trip in 1995 and 1996 through North America, the South Pacific, Asia, and Europe. Journals entries and photos. - http://worldtrip.iwebland.com
The Carlson Family's Around the World Travel Adventure - Details a ten month trip in 2001 - 2002 with three kids aged eight, ten and thirteen through Asia , Australia, New Zealand and Europe. - http://canadiancarlsons.com/travel.html
Notsorry.com - Personal around the world trip including Japanese shinkansen, Trans-Siberia and European wanderings. - http://www.notsorry.com/
Geoff's Travel Scrapbook - Photos, articles and maps on independent travels around the world and in particular the Middle East and Africa. - http://www.geoffstravelscrapbook.co.uk
ScottThompson.com - Around the world in 24 months. Scott Thompson provides a journal and photos of his travels to the seven continents of the world. - http://www.scottthompson.com
S/Y Aquata - A Norwegian sloop cruising around the world. Includes information on the planned journey, the crew, and the boat as well as contact details, stories, and photos. - http://www.home.no/aquata/
World Tripping - Simon and Leah attempt to cycle around the world publishing online a travelogue of travel writing and travel photos. Chat about world travel or send web postcards at worldtripping.net - http://www.worldtripping.net
Not Workin' - Travelogue of two thirty-something American ex-pats living in London who have put career climbing on hold to see a bit of the world. - http://www.notworkin.com
Small Bag Big World - One couple`s 14-month journey around the world, from Africa to Asia to South America. Currently updated with adventures and pix from the road. - http://www.smallbagbigworld.com
Shunya's Travels - Travel pictures from around the world. - http://www.shunya.net/
The Big Tripout - Multimedia travel diary of Toby and Sarena's 2.5-year-long journey around the world. - http://thebig.tripout.co.uk
Explore the World with Tom and Marie - Stories and photos from an around the world trip covering Rome, Spain, London, Korea, Japan, Australia, Hawaii and San Francisco. - http://www.biz2web.com/grant/
Goliath: The Expedition - Karl Bushby's record breaking attempt to walk around the world. In life there are great things to be achieved. - http://www.earthtrekuk.net
Stories from Muzz - Photos and stories from an Australian travelling in the UK, Turkey, and France. - http://www.gragra.com/muzz/
TravelingArmchair.com - Around the world ramblings with itineraries, logs and photos. - http://www.travelingarmchair.com
Travel Around the World 1995 - A journey through Europe to Russia, Japan and the USA. Photos and travelogues. - http://www.snued.ch/AroundTheWorld/index.html
Crisis 2001 Tour - A six-month tour, February - August 2001, to multiple world countries. Photo gallery, links and poetry. - http://www.ian.hadden.com/crisis2001/
The Digital Nomad Travels the World - Merrill Hartman left June 2001 for a multi-year trip around the world. Preparations on this website began at the turn of the millennium. - http://www.digitalnomad.org/
Round the World Backpacking - Travelogue from travels through Asia and Australia with photo gallery. - http://www.bilk.ac.uk/college/extraweb/backpack/
Around the World Travel with Dick and Witta - Two fifty-something nomads have been traveling and golfing since their retirement in 1999. Travelogues from North America, Oceania, Europe and Asia. - http://www.dickandwitta.com
Derek's Semester At Sea Website - Site covers Derek's journey across the world on the Spring 2000 voyage of Semester At Sea. Includes Journal entries and photographs. - http://www.localaccess.com/burger/travels.htm
Holiday 99-America, Britain, France - Diary and pictures of a trip to the USA, England, Scotland and France in September-October 1999. - http://www.batangabee.com/travel/
The Travel Year - A sixteen month round-the-world adventure through parts of Central America, the South Pacific, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Tips and photo gallery. - http://www.thetravelyear.com
Adrian and Katie's World Tour - Travellers' tales and photographs from a world trip in 1998. Journals, links, packing and health information. - http://freespace.virgin.net/adrian.ball/
Adventure Prone - Journal of stories and photos from around the world travels in 2000/2001, including biking through Latin America and motorcycling across the Middle East. Includes newsletter and message boards. - http://adventureprone.com
Around (parts of) the World in (about) One Year - Account of Paul Stockton's year long trip, cycling and backpacking through Asia, Australia, New Zealand, United States and Canada in 1997 - 1998. - http://www.roundtheworld.ca/
Footsteps - Diary and observations of world travel through the years of 1998 through 2000. - http://footsteps.co.nz
David Groom's Travel Page - Journal and photographs of an around the world backpacking trip of 1998-1999. - http://www.dmgroom.com
David and Lisa - Odyssey 2000 - David and Lisa's trip around the world on a tandem bicycle. - http://valkenaar.net/davidlisa2000/index.html
Pete's SAS S99 Voyage - A semester at sea travelogue that includes photos, stories, personal writing, tips and program information. - http://petes99.dreamhost.com
Gone Walkabout - Travelogues by Seán Connolly, including a 14-month trip around the world. Maps, quotes and photos. - http://www.gonewalkabout.com/
MadNomad - Evelyn and Gregg spent a year circling the world, checking into cybercafes along the way to share their adventures through words and images. - http://www.madnomad.com
2001: A Trav and Di Odyssey - Travelogue from Brazil, North America, Europe and Asia. - http://www.mooquack.com/odyssey/
Dave Was There - Updates on the travels of David Beer as he works his way around the globe. - http://www.davewasthere.com
AroundTheWorld 1999 - Features photographs, movies, travel tips, text and audio journals as four individuals drive Land Rover around the world in 78 days. - http://www.aroundtheworld1999.com
Around the World with Wes and Masami - Journals, expenses, photos, route and links from a trip in 2000 - 2002. In English and Japanese. - http://www.atwtravel.net
An Around the World Journal - Russel Gilbert's journal kept while traveling for 9 months through 26 countries in 1991 - 1992 - http://www.farofflands.com/
The Millennium Adventure - An around the world journey in a one-of-a-kind Mercedes-Benz, which leads through six continents between 1999-2001. - http://www.millenniumadventure.com/
ChickenBus.Com - An Arizona couple's journey through 35 countries on 5 continents in 1998. Beijing, China to Mazatlan, and Mexico; mostly overland. - http://www.chickenbus.com
EarthRoamer.com - Chronicles an adventure driving around the world in an expedition equipped Dodge Ram truck. - http://www.earthroamer.com/index.html
Wired2theWorld - Join Kristina and David as they travel around the world to 19 countries in 9 months. Journals from a dual perspective, photos, budget and links. - http://www.wired2theworld.com/
Taleblazing - Travel tales from around the world including Asia, Europe, Australia and the USA. - http://www.taleblazing.com
9 Years on the 7 Seas with Nor Siglar - Comprehensive site including planning, financing and surviving a circumnavigation taking 9 years and covering 84 countries and island colonies. Cost, tips, links and photos. - http://norsiglar.com/
Traveller's Tales - Chronicles of a one year tour from London to Los Angeles via the Africa, India, Asia, Australia, South American the Caribbean islands and Portugual. - http://www.traveller.org/
Up Over Down Under - A unique travelogue which follows the travels of 4 individuals around the globe. Itinerary, journals, route map and links. - http://travel.fissure.org
Wanderlings - Follow Kristi & Jo on their one year trip through the USA, Mexico, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Planning information, routes and photos. - http://wanderlings.com
Big Adventures - Global travels in 2000 - 2001 including planning, travelogues, and photo essays. - http://www.bigadventures.com