Letters from a Mountain Top - BLOG focusing on christian inspiration for scouting youth and leaders of youth with some christian business writings. - http://etihliw.wordpress.com/
Lines to Live By - prepared by Rover Scout Michael Flynn. - http://www.trends.net/~roversct/Quotes/tales.html
Philmont Hymn - Lyrics and tune. - http://www.wtsmith.com/songs/philmont.html
The Friends Emblem - Adult recognition to recognize outstanding contributions to the spiritual and social development of Young Friends through Quaker programs. - http://www.praypub.org/recognitions/viewmedal.asp?MedalID=0Q1A3&FaithID=QUA
Chaplain Aide - Program of the National Lutheran Association of Scouters. - http://www.nlas.org/chapaide.htm